IN THE CORRIDORS OF POWER 1975 - 1980 Early 1975, the personnel
department required
details of my future retirement intentions. It
was usual for civil servants to seek retirement at the age of sixty. In my case, with starting my civil service
relatively late, at the age of thirty-five, my pension at sixty would have been much
increased had I started earlier. Pensions
were based on the numbers of years served. I requested to be retained up to
the age of sixty-five. It was normal
when this request was granted, that the individual had their grade reduced. It came as a double
surprise when I received a note from management that on retention, (a)
I would remain in my grade as a professional technology officer, PTO1 and (b)
I would be required to serve in the management section, XMS, representing the PTO grades. This section dealt with the
establishment manpower and financial allocations.
Added to this new role was my liaison function between
ASWE and ACO, Slough, on all drawing office matters which I had previously carried out. Thus, I was to bat my last innings
for management on a new wicket at Portsdown, with players drawn from the director and his
top staff. No previous mention
had been made to me regarding this new assignment.
My boss at that time, Stan Cadman, the drawing office manager, I
felt had played a leading role in creating what was a new post. The inclusion of ACO liaison duties,
which I always referred to as my 'Slough
jollies' was particularly attractive to me. From the seaward side of Portsdown
Hill may be seen a prominent new large edifice, perched above a white chalked faced cliff. Material had been excavated from the face of
Portsdown Hill to reclaim land and construct motorways in and around Portsmouth. A closer look at this edifice may be made by
passing this building on top of Portsdown Hill, which was occupied by the staff of the
Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment. Such
staff, who had wonderful views of the downs or coastal scenery, had little appreciation of
their beautiful environment compared to their many counterparts working in cities. It was in this building that I was
transferred from the drawing office on the top floor to the second floor, along which were
offices occupied by the director, deputy directors and their staff. There was a kind of status symbol for
secretaries to be appointed to this floor. The
XMS1 office on this floor faced inland, giving views of Southwick district, which I was
able to enjoy (up to my retirement) from the time I joined this section in early 1976. The Head of XMS1, Don Valler, gave me a broad scenario of the
scope of his section, leaving me a bit nonplussed as to the part I would play in this
field. I was next introduced to members
of his staff. George Taylor had
installed a computer base, housed in an adjacent office to hold all management data, such
as finance and the work plan. He had
served in the Navy and had been at the Admiralty, concerned with equipment. He had visited ARL many times while I was
stationed there. I was also introduced to Charles
Mussel, an experimental officer, as was George.
Both had an input to the establishment work plan. The office had the services of a
Higher Clerical Officer, Freddie Bulstrode, famous for her poetry and choral singing. Also Daphne Dickenson, a clerical
officer who, I am sure, wished I had never been posted to this office. It was Charles who enlightened me
to the infighting for staff that went on by each departmental head prior to finalising the
annual work plan. The director
could be likened to a medieval king, with the departmental heads as Barons, all defending
their territory. Little had been
mentioned about an establishment annual report, now a responsibility of XMS1 to produce by
mid-summer. This report, compiled for
the director, set out all aspects of ASWE work during the last twelve months and forecast
the outstanding work to complete the research programme.
I was told a copy of this document was sent to Downing Street
with a copy being used at an annual meeting between the director and MOD, Whitehall. Formally the responsibility for
the production of this document was that of the head librarian. He was responsible to the head XMS,
Ken Watts, who reported directly to the director.
All orders received from the director by Don Valler were
channelled through Ken Watts. Within a
matter of days I was called into the XMS1 office and informed that the ASWE 1976 annual
report was my responsibility and I was given a date for it to be placed on the director's
table. Somehow, I thought Don enjoyed
telling me this news. Not being a
scientific type, I felt he had given me this task to test my capability. One of Charles' favourite expressions was
Modus Operandi. I had again been
landed a task for which there was no one at hand to take over from and to benefit from
their experience. It was indeed necessary to get out
a plan of operation - back to my pre-production planning days! Better still, I did a Charles
Mussel Modus Operandi! I circulated to
all heads of departments a schedule of completion dates for their draught contributions
for the ASWE Annual Report 1976. I had difficulty in obtaining time
required by management to carry out vetting and correcting draughts from my line manager. My immediate boss, Don Valler, conveyed to me from
top management that I was to stop pestering for this information. The final signal was - "Rayment,
get on with it." This message was
adopted by my office colleagues whenever there was an opportunity to use it. Very much like Lord Nelson's signal to his
fleet - 'England Expects ....'. Thus I
was left to use my own judgement on this vital vetting period by management. I was also required to prepare a
draught of the introduction giving a scenario befitting ASWE's achievements, research and
development assignments. I felt very
flattered to be given this exercise knowing full well it could be completely changed,
which I am proud to state did not happen. During the day to day handling of
submissions in draught form, XMS staff were kept busy recording all confidential and
secret material. To lose one paper
meant much time in checking and rechecking between various departments, particularly the
typing office. For these staff,
it was panic stations until the missing papers had been traced. It was the head of the typing pool
who attracted my attention. No matter
how big or how urgent a typing order given to her, she would never bat an eyelid,
remaining icy cool. I was always
asked by my colleagues in the office how I got on with her on my return. I promised them that I would get her
to go mad by telling her that the Annual Report, when typed, had to be retyped for some
reason. This I did, and the only comment that
came back was that 'they would have to wait for it.'
Normally one could have expected the report to have been thrown at me. The ASWE Annual Report was
completed on time. This project
brought me into contact with all the departmental heads.
Never once do I remember being rough shod when seeking their
contributions and only praise can be given for their co-operation in my compilation of the
ASWE Annual Report. Apart from some criticism
regarding typing presentation, there were no other adverse remarks on the contents or
omissions. For punishment or reward,
which ever way one cares to look at it, I was landed with this special annual document for
each of my remaining years at ASWE. One of the functions of the XMS1
office was to give fire brigade action for the director on any urgent management matters. Shortly after this annual report had
been published I was required to complete a list of contractors working in ASWE or who
were working elsewhere on behalf of the establishment.
The director, at a joint meeting
with staff representatives had received a complaint that too many contractors were being
taken on for work which ASWE staff could do.
He was not able to provide staff side reasons for employing
these contractors, or have a ready list showing the actual number. The director promised to have this
information available at their next joint meeting.
When given this task, I was told that there should be no problem here
since all contractors were required to be in possession of an ASWE permit. To my surprise, on visiting the
security office responsible for issuing permits, there was no separate register for
contractors. They were included in the
ASWE staff register. To identify
contractors from this register, would involve checking the many thousands of entries in
the register. I was taken aback with
this discovery. My only other recourse
was to check each department to obtain the details of contractors that had been authorised
to work for them. Each one had to be
security cleared before being issued with a permit. Once I had finalised a list of
contractors issued with an ASWE pass to work for the establishment, it was a simple matter
to keep this list up to date. There was
an involved procedure for each contractor to follow before terminating his contract and
handing in his ASWE permit. It came as a great shock when, a
year later, two contractors handed in their ASWE permits, whose names were not on the list
of contractors. I was required to
provide an explanation for the director. Needless
to state, there was at least one red face.
When I approached the department concerned, which had
failed reveal their employment I was told that they were on sea trials at the time I took
this census! One member of XMS1 displayed a
sketch on the office wall, above my desk, of the Sleuth, with a dagger in his hand,
chasing contractor! This security aspect of issuing
passes to contractors was taken very seriously, for it was around the time of the Lonsdale
spy case at our sister establishment, Portland. My day to day function kept me in
touch with the drawing office manager, Stan Cadman, who never ceased to refer to me as
'Son'. This always brought a
smile to Molly whenever she was around doing her secretarial duties. This new PTO1 post, bridged the
gap between management and those at the sharp end, to make the best deployment of PTO
staff. At ACO, Slough, personnel felt that they were not forgotten and that they had
a role to play under the ASWE flag. I
was to witness interchanging of staff at varying levels between the main and outer
station. Whilst I was becoming more and
more involved with management, there were increasing problems at home. Harry's disturbed mental state
increased, as did his movement between hospitals and the Havant Day Centre. The consultants at both St James and
Greylingwell were unable to find a remedy. Now
approaching 40 years of age, he had left something like forty jobs, mainly through
personality clashes. The home distress never ceased and
not knowing how to deal with his anti- social behaviour, his mother was almost a nervous
wreck and my inability to find a solution made me very sad. During all these years, I could
claim that I never resorted to using force of any kind.
A typical home scene, on Monday 29th March, 1976, represented many
scenes when sick and in-between jobs, or after discharging himself from hospital. Harry started to tirade me on
arriving home for tea. He threatened to
break every window in the house if I did not get him pills and find a place for him in a
hospital. He was in his
pyjamas and his eyes were standing out. I
knew he meant what he said, for he started to kick doors and shook his bedroom window. I 'phoned Dr Cummins and told him
that he would do something dangerous if he did not enter hospital. Half an hour later the doctor arrived with
Harry repeating his threats if he did not receive pills and be sent to hospital. Harry, still in his pyjamas was told
by Dr Cummins to go to his bedroom, whereupon he put his fist through the bedroom window,
in front of the doctor. At 9 pm a social worker arrived
from St James who took Harry, still in his pyjamas, to Pink Villa at St James' Hospital. On the following day I visited Pink Villa
where George, the Charge Nurse, informed me that Harry had visited the industrial training
unit. He advised me not to have
him home at the weekend. I saw the house
doctor, and was told that he would be discussing what was to be done for Harry. I visited Harry and told him that
he is not to come home the following weekend. He
went straight to the car, returned, and was then abusive, telling me to 'get off my high
horse'. Later he arrived home and
became abusive to his mother for moving his furniture around. He demanded that it be put back, as it
was and that the electric fire be returned! Harry stayed at home and when I returned from
hockey on Saturday, Gladys We had planned to go to
Switzerland on the 19th May, and it was no small miracle that we were able to get away for
a much needed break. Before we left we
had been informed that Harry had become less aggressive but his future treatment had not
been settled. We were soon to
learn Harry's fate as far as St James' consultant psychiatrist, J A Abramczuk was
concerned! It was not unusual for Harry's
parents to be sent for by the hospital authorities. On
the last occasion, when waiting to be interviewed in PinkVilla, where Harry was an
in-patient, we had a fright. First, we
heard a crash of glass and what appeared to be a body falling from the floor above outside
our window. It was revealed that Harry had
thrown his wardrobe through his window. Of
course, we had feared that it was Harry crashing to the ground! We were now again summonsed to
this ward, so it was not surprising that Harry had been placed in a secure ward,
Cranleigh. He was again very disturbed
and a danger to himself! All the
nursing staff who had been involved with Harry's treatment were lined up forming a
reception committee as we entered the ward, and the consultant psychologist, Abramczuk
waited to address us in front of them. I noticed Gladys' frozen look,
with lips tight, as if waiting for Abramczuk to announce the death sentence. Harry, he told us, was to be discharged
immediately from St James' Hospital. This
hospital was not capable of treating patients where violence was concerned. He stated that all medication was to be
withdrawn. I had been a coward in not
going to the police to report Harry's misdemeanours.
In future, I was to address any misbehaviour to the police force. We were now required to collect Harry and
his belongings and take a letter to his family doctor, Dr O'Flynn. It took a little time for the effects
of this bomb to sink in. Before collecting Harry, his
consultant conveyed to him what had been said to us.
I believe Broadmoor had also been mentioned to him as a possible place
for his treatment or detention. This
meant there was no fallback position, other than the law.
We knew that his behavioural pattern was akin to madness, rather than
wilfulness. My thoughts were for
Gladys, who at the end of the day, would now have to cope on her own with Harry's
nightmare whilst I was at work. I was, indeed, fortunate to have
work challenges that acted as palliatives in taking my mind off the domestic dilemma. Here again, I was faced with Charles'
Modus Operandi, as regards what action was to be taken on the home front. My first action was to write to
the hospital authorities, complaining about the action that had been taken to withdraw all
medication and opt out of giving support of any kind.
The following is a copy of the reply to this letter;
29th June, 1976 Dear
Mr Rayment, Re:
Harry Rayment Thank you for your letter of 20th
June. I am confirming the conclusions
of our conversation which we had a few weeks ago, concerning your son, Harry's psychiatric
management. My three years' experience
with him, and also his past history, indicate that he is not responsive to the formal
psychiatric treatment which is available in my hospital and similar institutions. His violent behaviour is, at
times, beyond that which can be accommodated at St James' Hospital and the like. Therefore, I am confirming my opinion that
in case of any threats of violence towards you or your wife, his case should be dealt with
through legal channels, where his future treatment and management
may be considered to be a placement in a special
hospital which could provide the degree of safety which is unobtainable at St James. Yours
sincerely, J
A Abramczuk, Consultant Psychiatrist. We received a call from Miss
Trowhear, a social worker based at Cosham. She
had spoken to the senior welfare officer, Mr Webb at
St James, and stated that he would be getting in touch with us. She cannot believe Dr A Abramczuk's action
and said that we must make contact with our MP or Ombudsman. Harry was again anti-social,
demanding money at night and in the early hours of the morning to buy cigarettes; when I
refused him money, he called me names such as 'pig' and 'fruity', and all the IBM people
were 'snobs'. On the 24th August, he asked me to
take him to Reading YMCA Community Centre, where he booked in by phone for a week. It was a hostel with bed, breakfast and
evening meal, where everyone had to share tasks, in this self- supporting community. I then took him to the job centre
at Reading, where he had an interview with a Mr Dunns.
He said that my presence was like a reference, since I was a civil
servant. He told Mr Dunns that he
wished to train as a lithographer, who informed him that he would have to go to Barking,
London or Romford to be trained. Afterwards
he thought that he would go to the Trust House for job.
He now wanted me to take him to Dr Bromly, Swallowfield Street,
Reading. All these movements
he had discussed with his family doctor, Dr O'Flynn, who wanted to be kept informed of his
progress. A week later, Gladys and I took
Auntie Lou with us to visit Harry at his hostel.
He came out when we arrived and sat on the garden wall without
speaking. Then he muttered about
two residents he had argued with for not calling on him when going for dinner. He had decided that in future he would
act independently. He said that the
residents were not drop-outs - one had a degree in Spanish and another had completed an
apprentice-ship, but could not get work. Harry told us he had a telephone
exchange job at Prospect Park Hospital. He
had been interviewed by the Matron and by the Secretary.
A pop festival was in progress in Reading, and he said they were all
degenerates and animals. He hated
Reading centre, and said that it was like Kingston and Chichester, too many people! He insisted that I visit him next week and that he
must keep in touch with Mr Webb, St James' welfare officer, who was trying to help him
overcome paranoia. We were thankful he had survived
week one at Reading. We were now able to do our own
thing, provided we gave support to Harry whilst at his hostel in Reading. Essentially, this meant visiting him weekly
with a change of clothes and, of course, money.
He was always in trouble obtaining sick benefit, which I
generally had to sort out. He was
aware that if I failed to pay his weekly board, he would have to leave the hostel. Mr Webb, the welfare officer at St
James visited us and let it be known that he wanted to take a personal interest in Harry,
although St James had washed their hands of him.
When shown some of his sketches, he suggested that Harry did
some sketches for him, which he thought could help him overcome his paranoia. This we conveyed to Harry, and I think he
was surprised that his request had been made by someone from this hospital. Harry's job at the Prospect Park
Hospital on the switchboard lasted one week. Within
a matter of days, he had obtained a security job at Reading Technical College. This involved five hours a night, locking up
doors and windows. This, also, only
lasted a week. We came to dread
answering the 'phone call, but the main thing was he still remained at the hostel. I suggested to Gladys that we took
advantage of this short respite and go on a coach tour, visiting the capitals of Europe,
with Cosmos. This, I arranged to
take place at the end of October, keeping my fingers crossed in the meantime. We were successful in getting away on this
tour without a major problem. On our coach were tourists from
all parts of the world, all of whom spoke English.
There were people from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India,
Thailand, Canada, Hong Kong, and a few from the 'home country'. We made particular friends of the
Kapurs from Calcutta. He was Personal
Production and Service Controller for Coates of India Ltd.
The Chinese couple spoke English without a trace of accent, did this
mean that they had been educated at a public school?
The whole coach party resembled a mini league of nations. This whistle stop tour of the
major cities of Europe, a look, see and goodbye, meant that we were practically living out
of our suitcases. It meant, too, that
in a matter of 12 days, we had witnessed some of the world's most famous places, both from
the historical and architectural aspects. We had a breathtaking scenic drive
over the Brenner Pass, beneath the snow- capped Dolomite mountains, after leaving Austria,
into Italy, arriving at Venice. Our short stay there allowed us to
visit St Mark's Square, where guides pestered us to pay them to take us round the churches
and palaces. Gladys was amused by their
behaviour, but our group had to break up and make a fresh entry onto the square and enter
the buildings separately. These
included the Doge's Palace and many others around the square, which had made the
Renaissance part of the 15th Century famous. It was a surprise to see a barge
of the Royal Navy pass under the Bridge of Sighs as it made its way amongst the gondolas
on the Grand Canal. Perhaps the Navy
were aware of our presence and wished to protect us! On the tour round Rome, the
Coliseum reminded us that most of the early Christians who were thrown to the lions 2,000
years ago. We joined the throng milling
around below the Vatican balcony awaiting the appearance of the Pope. We watched the excitement of the crowds,
particularly the nuns, when the Pope finally made his entrance, waving his arms and
smiling. Inside St Peter's Cathedral, the
largest in the world, we were again rewarded with a view of the Pope, as he was carried in
his chair on the shoulders of his entourage.
A service was due to start and all the seats were full of
worshippers. We bade him goodbye. Gladys was impressed with the
good-looking Italian men. I, in turn,
drew her attention to their protruding Roman noses.
Occasionally, we observed ladies wearing mini-skirts plying their
wares. I wondered how many celibate
priests had become their regular customers. We made our return journey via
Pisa, where we obtained a view of the leaning tower, giving the appearance that all it
wanted was a puff of wind to blow it down. A
short visit to Monaco allowed us to see the sentries outside the palace looking like toy
soldiers, as they raised their knees high when marching. Our remainder journey through
France brought us back to the modern day, with its traffic and noise. By the time we reached the suburb of
Paris, it was a question of how soon we could get back home. I did, however, persuade Gladys to explore
the centre of Paris, including the Arc de Triomphe.
To get there, I had to learn how to operate the Metro underground. We were impressed with the quality of
their carriages and cleanliness of the underground stations, many of which had shop
windows displaying the latest fashions in clothes. Our magic carpet, the coach,
returned all safely back to London, where we said our goodbyes, with a request by our
Indian friends that we visit them some time in the future in Calcutta. This tour had charged up our human
batteries, enabling us to cope once more with Harry's world. On the 14th December, 1976, Harry 'phoned
and said he was coming home and had ordered a taxi.
I was at work when I received this news. I took half a day's leave and 'phoned
Kelvin, the Warden, who confirmed that Harry had left the hostel. He arrived home around 2.30 pm and
said we had a wonderful house. He
complained of three terrible blokes at the hostel.
He said they broke his door down at 1.30 am and sprayed fire-fighting
foam onto him. He upset his mother and
told her to get his breakfast the following morning.
He blamed her for losing Guildford YMCA papers. He had mentioned that he thought
of booking a place at Guildford instead of returning to Reading. Sadly, there was no change to his unsettled
state. Christmas period was dominated by
Harry's anti-social behaviour. The local
social workers regarded Harry as a hospital case, whilst the health service had washed
their hands off him. The only advice
our family doctor could give was to see a Magistrate to obtain a Committal order to a
secure hospital as a last resort. Once again,
Harry realised he was in danger of being put away. On new year's day, Harry asked me
to collect his TV, tape recorder and records, for he had decided to order a taxi to take
him to the station. He was returning to
Reading and had confirmed that the warden would have him back. This time we hoped it would be of a more
permanent nature. I knew that this was
particularly true as far as Gladys was concerned. In a matter of weeks, Harry
'phoned asking me to pick him up at Cosham station, he was leaving Reading for good. He smelt of drink when I picked him up, he
had several cases with him. He alleged
that his tenants had threatened to hit him on his head with a brick. Some story of a fire and the CID people had
been called in at 1.45 am to question him. When I told Mr Hatcher of the
local social services that he was returning home and asked what I should do, he remarked
that if I could not contain my son, I should call in the police. On the following Monday, Mrs Oakley of
Havant social services arrived at home during the morning, and advised Harry to stay at
the Guildford YMCA, where he claimed he had been told there was a bed for him. I arrived home with Harry
demanding that I collect his things and take him to Havant station. Gladys told me that he had been advised to
go to the YMCA, Guildford, by Mrs Oakley.
At first I had refused, for he insisted I should take him by car
and provide him with money, which was always an on-going demand. I had no ready money, and had to borrow from
my next-door neighbour to buy a railway ticket from Havant to Guildford and made a cheque
out to pay for his accommodation. We called to see Harry on the
following Sunday and met the warden, BA Rowcliffe.
We were shown his room, which he shared with Tim. Bryan, the warden, told us that Tim
had complained about Harry smoking his pipe and having showers next door at 4 am. Mr Robin Chalkley, of the National
Schizophrenia Fellowship had made contact with Harry and arrived at the YMCA to discuss
his future. He told Harry that he
would find a part-time job locally, and accommodation for him. Robin was the local co-ordinator for Surrey. The warden was very helpful, and
agreed to take a £23.50 cheque, giving £15 to Harry.
We had a call later from Bryan,
that he had not received Harry's rent for the following week. Fortunately, this matter was cleared up
when Harry received his sickness benefit book from Social Security, Havant. We learned from Mr Webb, welfare
officer at St James, that he had been contacted by Guildford Social Services on this
matter. Andrew and Linda had been, and
were still, busy working on their new house at Clanfield.
I was amused to notice that Andrew had a crazy paved patio and paths
similar to those I had done here at Wigan Crescent.
I do remember him asking where I got the broken slabs and how I laid
them. Of course, I had not really told
him, he knew before he asked me! Linda, earlier in the year, had
given birth to a baby girl, Joy. Not a
great deal of time had been given to spend on our granddaughter, due to Harry's disturbed
state. For Gladys, it was like
living on top of an active volcano, not knowing when it's going to erupt and what
devastation will be caused. The continuing stress made itself
evident, for her face had become thinner and paler.
During the weeks, Harry was away, Gladys was able to mind Joy on a
number of occasions. Gladys
always said, she would have liked to have had a daughter. As far as Joy was concerned, the
whole house was hers to play in. Hide
and seek was their favourite game, with Gladys forgetting all her cares. Being able to play the nanny's
role, I believe, staved off a possible nervous breakdown, similar to the time when she
took on a part time job at Bentalls. Our
guardian angel had not completely deserted us.
Andrew, as always, was progressing
in his job and I felt would not now venture into a less secure occupation. He was considering applying for a
sleuth's job within the Inland Revenue at Chichester, but did not pursue it. We had been advised to apply for
attendance allowance, since the care of Harry was totally invested with his parents. The doctor who visited us as a result of
this application said this was one of the most justified applications he had had to deal
with. However, with Harry deciding to
move out of the St James catchment area, this claim had to remain on ice. On joining Portsmouth and Southsea
hockey club at St Helens' Ground, Southsea, I was released from playing in goal, and took
stations at right back in their 4th XI team, my former soccer position. Players had difficulty in coming
to terms with an old fogey of around 62 years of age.
The nearest to my age was Alan Hicks, a very frail player; what he
lacked in weight he made up with enthusiasm.
He was one of the longest serving members of the club, bringing
his management skills from his Maths Lecturer's post at the Portsmouth Polytechnic to the
running of the hockey club. Another hockey player of renown
was Les Tullet, who was feared on the hockey pitch for his hard hitting. At this time, Les was heavily involved
in the Islanders' Hockey Tournament at Alexandra Stadium, Northern Parade. The captain of the 5th XI team had
to leave this area and, to my surprise, I landed the job.
The task was simple until a player dropped out at the last
moment. It was the ASWE call again -
Alan get moving! This post landed me on
the management committee of the club. Before I had settled in, the
chairman announced at my first meeting that our representative on the Portsmouth City
Sports Council had resigned. There was
immediate silence as we awaited a volunteer. All
eyes turned to me, and not having learned to say no, I was formally elected. Attending my first Sports Council
meeting in the Council Chambers gave me a sense of importance. The Chair was taken by a member of the
City's amenities department, who also supplied the minutes secretary. Again, I was thrown into the lion's den,
without any de-briefing. I represented
my hockey club at the next meeting. After I had attended my first
meeting it came as a shock to learn that I was expected to represent the game of hockey on
behalf of the City and hockey clubs in the City of Portsmouth. As all sports were represented,
including water sports. It was an excellent chance for those present to learn of the
achievements of clubs and their players. The main annual event of the year,
where all members had an involvement, was the IOW and Hampshire tournament, a sort of
mini-Olympics. The venue for this
annual event rotated between the Sports Councils that existed in the county and the IOW. It fell on the Sports
representative to ensure that their sport was well chosen from the best players available. Should their council be hosting this annual
event, it would be a requirement that the council provide the necessary playing facilities
and changing accommodation. The
high spot of these games was, of course, the award ceremony, where it falls upon the
council to involve the Mayor and local dignitaries. Whenever I reported back to my
club after attending a Sports Council meeting, there would be the same questions asked. When were we to receive a grant for playing
equipment, when were we to have a greater share of playing facilities? I learned that many new Sports
Clubs received great financial help from the Regional Sports Council, one their
application had been supported by their Local Sports Council. Another body that provided financial help to
new clubs was the National Playing Fields Appeal Fund. On Sunday, 13th February, 1977,
Bryan, warden at the YMCA, Guildford, explained on the 'phone that Harry continued to make
himself a nuisance to his room-mate, Tim. He
still persisted in smoking his pipe in his bedroom and kept Tim awake throughout the
night. He had no alternative but to ask
Harry to leave his hostel. We were not surprised to have a
call from Harry later that day. He told
us that Robin Chalkley, of the local Schizophrenia Fellowship would try to find a place
for him at Crawley and Old Wokingham. He
finally told us he had no money, as was the normal situation. We called on Harry the following
Friday, where, on meeting the warden, we were told that Harry must vacate his room by next
Friday. While we were at Guildford,
Harry took us to see a bed-sitter where the landlady demanded a deposit. I did not like the cramped room and
refused to pay the deposit. The weather
was foul, we waited at Guildford railway station while he visited another bed sitter. This came to no avail, and after getting
soaking wet, we returned him to his hostel. Our mood on the train home matched
the weather. Gladys went completely
silent, whilst I could not hide my feelings of despondency, knowing that Harry could not
survive on his own. Before
leaving Harry, I gave him £20 and a cheque to pay the warden. He arrived home with his
belongings on the following Tuesday at 10.30 am.
Robin Chalkley 'phoned to inform us that an appointment had been made
for Harry to attend at Flint Hall Farm, Godstone, on Thursday, 24th February. I took Harry to this address to attend
an acceptance interview, referred to as their 'sensitivity meeting'. Flint Hall Farm was a Surrey Community
Development Trust Home. Here, there
were less than a dozen residents, each with a different life problem. The residents were expected to live
and work together, developing the premises and the farm, which had two goats and two geese
on five acres of land with a pond. He was accepted, and took up
residency on Sunday, 27th February. We
visited him on Thursday, 17th March: he greeted us with a smile. He described the work on the farm and
seemed enthusiastic about the new tractor the farm had acquired. His duties were to assist in the
kitchen, and I finished up doing his chores - peeling potatoes. Turkey was on the menu, which still
had to be prepared. It had to be ready
by 5.30 pm, since the sensitivity committee was due to meet at 6pm. There was a young lady who had
been there for 18 months, and acted as a treasurer.
The main organiser was an agricultural man with a degree. A woman resident told that Harry pestered
them for money, which caused them some concern.
Up to this moment all seemed to be going well, possibly the break-
through we had been waiting so long for. She
told us that at the sensitivity meeting held by all residents present had powers to
dismiss any one member. The warning
shot had been fired. On 25th March, Harry 'phoned
saying that he was coming home. He said
he was not suitable for agricultural work and would I collect him? Only last week we had brought his electric
fire, TV, wireless and record player. He
had been sent a cheque each week, £14 for his accomm-odation and £12 for himself. On the last visit, he pestered me for £5. His mother also took him carpets, cutlery,
buckets and a bowl for the farm. He
complained about his muck-spreading job in the rain, and that the farm was full of
prisoners as well as being haunted. I
told Harry to stick it out! On the 3rd April, Harry returned
home. I read the riot act to him - no
drinks. His stomach was sticking out and he
looked as if he were doped. He did not
know what drugs he had taken. On the
first Saturday night at home, Harry wandered about his bedroom and the bathroom around 5
am. I found him sitting around the
electric fire, playing his records. I
told him to switch the fire off and turn down the noise.
There was no further disturbance after he had made abusive
remarks to me. Harry
remained at home and behaved himself. No
drinking, smoking was reduced to a pipe, with a subsequent reduction in the demands for
money. Gladys gave him tea-making
facilities in his room. He requested to
start a banking account at the National Westminster Bank.
It was his birthday on 9th April, and he had been sent some cheques. No sooner had he entered them into his
account, he had withdrawn the money to buy a record player with two loudspeakers. He had now, of course, no money to buy
tobacco. When
we visited Anne, the Austrian widow of Sternfeld, at Brighton on Sunday 17th April, Harry
had left his electric fire on in his bedroom. His
bedclothes and mattress were burnt, as was the electric lead to the electric fire. However, there was no house on fire and no
violent scene domestic-wise. Mr
Webb from St James' called on Harry and thought he was less schizophrenic as a result of
his recent experiences living away. Harry
had read in the Daily Telegraph that to have a smallpox vaccination with eczema can be
harmful to the brain. Mr Webb took
details and told us that he would follow this up after Harry had told him that this had
happened to him as a small child. Harry
had been tolerant at home during most of April, but like an active volcano, would
eventually erupt at some future date. This
happened on 8th May, when Harry had worked himself into a frenzy. He insisted that I took him to
Greylingwell Hospital, Chichester, knowing that he had been abandoned by his local
hospital, St James'. I 'phoned the hospital and was
able to speak to the duty doctor, Dr Green, who agreed to see us at 6.00 pm that evening. Thankfully, he did see us and after he
saw Harry on his own, called me back into the surgery.
He decided that Harry should receive the same treatment as when he was
previously in Greylingwell. I was instructed
to give him pills three times a day. They
were Melleric, Procylidine and Dalmane. He
gave us his sympathy, as regards the St James' embargo placed on Harry. Mr Webb continued to visit him weekly, each time
stating that he cannot forgive Abramczuk. On
his last visit he thought Harry was in a very unstable state. During
the second week of May, following two nights with Harry banging doors, with the wireless
on full in his bedroom, we were pressed into revisiting Godstone. After calling at Flint Farm, he decided that
it was not for him. On Sunday, he had
run out of pills and now both his family doctor and Greylingwell had refused to prescribe
them. Further visits to Dr O'Flynn by
Harry were rewarded with a prescription for sleeping tablets. Harry
had been 'phoning all over the place for hostel accommodation, including Walthamstow,
Welwyn Garden City - goodness knows what the telephone bill would be! Webb called and suggested that Richmond
Fellowship Hostel might take him. The
Council made £60 weekly contributions to it. This,
he said, was only a slight possibility and I thought he was lost for ideas. During the end of May, I took Gladys and Harry to Bath on two business trips. On the first journey, by car, Harry spotted a hostel in the country, at Weyhill, Andover. We
made our second journey on Friday, 27th May.
Harry had made up his mind to stay there,
although he did not know whether it was suitable for him, and from past experience, it was
not likely to be so. However, every
possibility had to be tried. We
called at this hostel on our return journey from Bath, and met the person in charge, who
gave us details of Harcourt Hostel. His
name was Richard and he was youth leader, working for a single parents' organisation,
called Incomm. He was wearing shorts and
looked a tough character. There
was only one woman, named Alice, on the site with about 14 youths. Richard stated that he would motivate
Harry, who had made it known that he wished to stay, although Harry had not discussed the
cost of his keep. It was another case where Gladys
and I just prayed that he could settle in to give us a break from the stresses at home. We had a lot to thank Richard for during
June. Portsmouth was all agog
with organising the reception for the Queen on her visit, to review the Fleet, at
Spithead, as part of her Silver Jubilee celebrations. Included in her programme whilst at
Portsmouth was a visit to IBM Havant complex, including a walkabout in the town. Gladys made sure that she would not miss out
on this visit. There was an
added surprise for her when I told her that ASWE staff could visit the Fleet when the
Royal party had come ashore, after their inspection. The assembly of probably the
largest armada ever to be organised in this country, commenced on Friday, 24th June, 1977,
for the review to take place on Tuesday, 28th June.
Over 100 HMS ships, together with around 40 foreign and
Commonwealth warships, with a further 40 or more naval support ships formed up in three
lanes. These lanes stretched from
Horse Sand Fort, opposite South Parade Pier, to opposite East Cowes. Over
130 Yacht Clubs were anchored around the formation of warships, with many more vessels
privately owned not associated with clubs, adding to those looking on. It
was a proud moment for all of us from ASWE, in our pleasure boat, to have the privilege of
following the route taken by the Royal party aboard HMY Britannia on their inspection of
the Fleet. In
the evening, whilst the Royal party and its entourage dined on board HMS Ark Royal, we
watched the Royal Marines 'Beat the Retreat' on Southsea Common, followed by a fireworks
display. Out to sea was the equivalent
of the Blackpool Illuminations, for the Fleet was lit up. The
Fleet Air Arm was not left out of this display, for whilst the HMY Britannia was on its
inspection route, over 150 of the FAA flew
past. Gladys
looked less pale, much brighter after this event, and also for having a relatively
stress-free month. It had been
announced that the Queen would be visiting IBM, Havant, in December, when the walkabout in
Havant would take place, instead of on the present visit to Portsmouth. So, the Queen would be able to see Gladys
twice in one year, if she were aware of Gladys' hat and outfit that she would be wearing
at the time of her visit! Len
Martin, Honorary Secretary of the Portsmouth and Southsea Hockey Club and schoolteacher,
produced a comprehensive newsletter prior to the club's AGM. I was flattered that I had been mentioned on two
occasions. Here are extracts
from this paper- "Mention must be made of the two stalwarts at the back,
John Langham Brown and Alan Rayment, and when the goal keeping problems of the senior
elevens have finished up where they always do - with the 4ths - Alan has always nobly put
on pads, with little more than an occasional muttered curse. On one occasion, he saved two penalties in
one match. Can't make out why
Pete does not have him in the League XI." As
the name implies, the work of my employer - Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment - ASWE
- involved Research and Development of weapons systems for ships above surface. Whilst
at the Admiralty Research Laboratory, ARL, Teddington, the Admiralty Gunnery Establishment
had been formed and assigned to Portland, where a gunnery range existed. However, around this period of 1972, guided
missiles had been developed to replace guns, making this move to Portland abortive so far
as naval gunnery was concerned. The
facility at Portland acquired a new role for the development of underwater weapons -
Admiralty Underwater Weapon Establishment, AUWE.
By 1972, ASWE had already developed a guided missile launching system,
with aerial arrays Type 901 and 984. Other
electronic counter measure systems were also developed to interfere with the enemy's
guidance systems. Coupled
with the foregoing, was the Ship's Inertial Navigation System, SINS, being developed at
Slough by the Admiralty Compass Laboratory, ACO, which became an out-station of ASWE in
1971. Whilst
at ARL, amongst the few hundred staff, I could be identified by my contribution to the
work at this establishment. Most
personnel were referred to by their Christian name, regardless of rank difference. This, I believe, was due to staff mixing at
all levels on trials, be they on land or water. My
last director at ARL was Bill Burrows, who liked to sit with any of his staff in the
canteen, be they industrial or non-industrial.
After joining ASWE, I felt that I was just an individual, making up
the 2000 plus staff, so far as top management was concerned. It should not have been very surprising that
at an age of 56, being sent into a new environment of people and work, that I felt very
much a stranger. No different
than when one moves into a new district; here it can take years to become one of them. I was aware that amongst the long
standing staff, there was an 'esprit de corps'.
This was particularly true when staff could be overheard talking
about an ASWE event they had attended , and according to ASWE Bulletin for June 1977,
there were no shortages of these. Here
is a list of activity sessions published in this bulletin.:- ART SOCIETY
to relate that my participation in this galaxy of activities was almost nil! Obviously, my star had remained in orbit,
awaiting the right moment to join this galaxy! On
the 8th June, Gladys and I stayed for three days at Lerwell's Farm in Combe Martin. On our journey there, we called at Harcourt
Hostel, Weyhill, Andover, to see how Harry was settling in.
We met a resident who stated that he was looking after Harry and
his money. This came as a surprise,
that Richard was able to delegate his caring role! When
we returned from Combe Martin, we again called at the Hostel, where we met Richard and his
two young daughters, Jacqueline and Sheree. Richard
thought that he could motivate Harry, and realised that he was a psycho! He found that he drank a great deal, but was not
an alcoholic. He had taken Harry to a
pub the previous night, and Harry had refused to drink after his fourth pint. He claimed that he was tackling Harry's problems
one at a time, but he had got him motivated; Harry was making his own bed, typing and
cutting grass. Richard had also removed all the pills he had recently
obtained from the local doctor. Richard
claimed that he was allowing him more money than I had provided, to eventually gain his
confidence, and remarked that he must not be driven into a corner. Harry
appeared very rational and informed us that instead of getting up at two or three each
morning, he had a full sleep last night. He
had been given the title of Publicity Manager.
Before we left, Richard was striving to obtain building material
to repair the swimming pool, so that children could stay at the hostel and use the pool. We
came away from this hostel, feeling very impressed with Richard's handling of Harry and
his assessment of Harry's behavioural pattern.
No hospital had diagnosed or offered
a remedial solution to Harry's illness to match that of Richard's! It was ironic that he preferred to
control Harry without the use of pills, which were always the doctors' treatment for
Harry's condition! Calling
on Harry two weeks' later, we found him in a savage condition. He told us he did not have any money, and had
upset Richard. Money given to him
to spend on tobacco, had been spent on cider. This
occurred the previous day, on a visit to Andover, for
the purpose of having a bath and a swim. This
did not take place because Harry had not taken his swimming costume with him. I felt that Richard would not contain him
much longer! However,
when we visited the hostel a week later, Harry greeted us and told us he was solvent, and
did not owe anyone money. Would we see
Richard in the lounge? There was
further good news, for Richard told us that Harry had acted very responsibly when placed
in charge of two tents, during two nights' camping. This
was endorsed by the residents, one of whom was a stress case. He also mentioned that they had paid
the County Council rates, and Harry's money had helped.
I could not get over Richard's refusal of the two pounds I offered him
to give to his daughters! Richard
then advised us not to keep visiting the hostel, to allow Harry to settle in. Harry may go with one of the residents to do
carpentry. He showed us a photo
of himself, Harry and his two daughters. He
was very pleased to receive drawing paper and crayons, which we handed over to him. An SOS was received from Harry demanding that we take him home that evening on Thursday 30th June, 1977, from Weyhill. We arrived at 6.15 pm, with Richard very upset that Harry had not given a week's notice. He would have Harry back at any time. This was indeed music to the ear, for never has a complimentary remark of this kind been heard by me before. So why does he wish to leave? Harry
is quite rational and tells us that Richard is abrupt, but is friends with the police and
social security people. Richard
told him that he had been in South Africa for 14 years, and became a mortgage broker on
arriving in England. He started to
build a boat to go around the world. I wrote the following letter to
Richard:- It was not my wish for Harry to
leave your hostel and the people within it. No
words can express enough our thanks for looking after Harry and managing his day to day
affairs. You have achieved much that
the professionals could not. Your
hardships and endeavours to attain those ideals filled me with admiration, as did your
determination to come through successfully. I was not aware that Harry had not
given you a week's notice, and I accordingly forward £16 to put the matter right. For a long time to come, I shall
have you in mind as well as your daughters, also Lilly Ellis. Yours very sincerely, Alan
Rayment" Within
a week, Harry left home to stay at the YMCA, Waltham Cross, where he had reserved
accommodation until September. He had a
ticket to Victoria Station. I
gave him £15 and keep money for 10 days. He
'phoned back to say that it was modern accommodation but there were a lot of coloured
residents. It was noticeable that after
his return from Harcourt Hostel, he spoke to his neighbours! He had been known to open the front door
and shout out to his neighbours, "You're a lot of Nazis!" On
Wednesday 6th July, after only seven days, Harry arrived by taxi at the house wearing dark
glasses. He said he could not
live on £10 spending money per week - he had spent £20 during the week he was there. He returned the cheque made out to YMCA for
£17-75. Harry carried on to his mother for having my very elderly Auntie Lou from Aylesbury to stay with us. I had to threaten that I would throw him out of the house if he continued to plague his mother. Almost
the first request spoken by Auntie was the request to visit Andrew and Linda to see their
baby, Joy. We were reminded that their
engagement took place at Bath, when she was with us, and so could claim some input to the
outcome of their joint enterprise. There
was no delay in taking Auntie with Harry to our first grandchild. To our surprise, Harry responded warmly to
Auntie's questions and even made Joy laugh! During
Auntie Lou's stay, she seemed to have a calming effect on Harry. She kept him interested in telling Harry about how
hard they worked as a child in the family cottage industry, making hats. She told him how her father went off
on his bike, leaving the business to be looked after by her mother. He was not averse to taking an apple
out of her hand when eating it, and eating it himself.
Her stay went off without any major incident. Up
to the end of July, no arrangements had been made for our holidays, due to Harry's
behavioural state. This appeared not
to be a problem at that moment, and so arrangements were made to have a motoring holiday
for the three of us in the Lake District in August.
I booked a bed and breakfast place at Mrs Bell, Hill Top Farm,
Threlked, Keswick. This address was
recommended to me by my office colleague, George Taylor, who had enjoyed her English
breakfast and evening meals. All
the major lakes, such as Ullswater and Coniston Water, were visited during our week's stay
in the Lake District. Harry was very
quiet and seemed to be at peace with the beauty of the lakes and country scenery. Before
leaving work, George Taylor challenged me to go over the Hard Knott Pass. I had driven up Porlock Hill, which boasted
of 1 in 4 slopes and hair-pin bends in Somerset, so I had to now also tackle this other
motorist challenge in the Lake District, just so that I would be able to boast of my
motoring achievement. There
are times when you realise that you have bitten off too much to chew, and make a tactical
withdrawal, but how do you do that when in a car, negotiating a bend with a 1 in 4
gradient, with your car bonnet facing heaven-ward, and unsure whether the bend is a left
or right handed one. Added to this
driver's nightmare were breakdown instructions along the worst section of bends. Yes, I made it and can claim I have never
wished to repeat this hazardous feat. I
believe this challenge appeals to a certain type of motorist who attends rallies and has a
car with the necessary horse-power. The
Lake District holiday proved beneficial for Gladys, not having home-care worries, since
Harry had been rational during our stay there.
He had helped make the tea and carried items from the car. On returning home, Harry stayed at the YMCA,
Portsmouth, where he had made a booking before going away.
Whilst there, his cousin David, and his family called on him and took
him to the IOW on the ferry, returning by hovercraft. Harry
came home after one week at the YMCA, Portsmouth, saying that he had finished wandering. We had him home through into
September and sadly, our recent respite was only temporary for he had returned to
demanding money, mainly for drink. During
that period at home, £5 had disappeared while out playing bridge. Harry had taken this, and he blamed it on me
for not giving him money. I restricted
him to 50p a day until it had been repaid, which he agreed to without too much protest. This was the first time he had done
this offence and I hoped it would not recur. is
mother was really upset with Harry, remarking about having his anti-social habits to put
up with, which was more than enough without dishonesty being added to his habits. Soon
after this affair, Harry took two-weeks'
supply of pills in one week. Dr.
O'Flynn refused to supply him any more and told him to make the most of his life. This elderly Irish doctor has always
acted as a father to him. Soon he
will be retired and greatly missed. Mr Webb continued to see Harry and conveyed to us that nothing could be done to get him into the Queen Elizabeth Home for the Mentally Disturbed - Abramczuk had blocked everything. At one of the 1977 Autumn
Portsmouth Sports Council Meetings I was persuaded by a fellow committee member, Alan, to
join his new jogging club, which met every Sunday morning at Havant Park. He was an official of the Portsmouth
Athletic Club, which met at Alexandra Park, Northern Parade. Alan told me he lived in Havant, and wanted
to enter a list of joggers of all ages into the Sunday Times Fun Run, Hyde Park, for the
1978 Annual Event. Of course, as usual
I said that I would join, having not yet learned how to say 'no'! As a con, I was assured that I would be
entered into the veterans section. The
dozen or so who attended the Sunday morning jogging training sessions were treated to some
arduous exercise before our serious business of jogging round the park, endless times. I weighed 16 stones and kept asking
myself why I should punish myself so much.
Did I not, at school, learn that I was not built for distance
running, when I collapsed on a cross-country run at Urmston, Manchester? When living at Teddington, Sunday mornings were mainly concerned with Sunday worship. In view of the time given to St John's church, Hampton Wick, in raising money, I became very cautious not to become involved with a new church, after I left Hampton Wick, in raising money. Gladys was not a church-goer and would often criticise those that did go; nevertheless she was prepared to go round the houses in Leigh Park, with a Christian Aid box, where other churchgoers feared to tread. Linda
and Andrew attended a baptist church, where Joy was baptised. They also became associated with a Christian
Fellowship group, where throwing their arms up in the air was a form of worship. It seems that each person has their own way
of expressing their faith, and those without a faith do not bother about such matters. Creation to me, is beyond the understanding
of man, and the ten commandments were given so that we could enjoy God's gifts to the
full. For
Linda and Andrew, the Almighty had seen fit to prepare them for another child sometime
during the late Spring of 1978. My
routine visits to ACO, Slough, continued in an ever-increasingly friendly atmosphere,
compared to my first visit, which could almost have been described as hostile. I did not know then, that the ACO had
been merged into ASWE as a result of the 'Rayner's Recommendations.' This took place almost at the time I first
arrived at Portsdown. It was
understandable for staff to feel resentful of losing their separate identity and explained
why my first visit to them was not welcomed. I
reported to Ted Hoy, Officer in Charge, on each of my arrivals, and on my departures. I was confident after my first interview
with him that I would be able to resolve any outstanding problems. Ted
had revealed that sometime in the past, he had been a draughtsman. During one of my visits in late 1977, when
discussing sporting activities between our two establishments, he mentioned that he and
his wife were joggers. They would be
entering the Sunday Times Fun Run, in Hyde Park in 1978, and hoped to win their section. As
I judged that he was not old enough to qualify for the veterans, I assured him that he
would not have me to contest in his section.
I have always found that sport breaks down all barriers, where
there is a common interest. Whilst
at ARL, through taking part in NPL sporting activities, I gained access to most NPL
departments through the back door when requiring technical information. Ted Hoy now accepted me as one of
them, and went out of his way to give me the history of both ACO and Ditton House. This history was later published in the
Journal of ASWE and ACO: A
Short History of Ditton Manor and the Admiralty Compass Observatory In
1331, Sir John de Molyns (the Queen's seneschal) was granted a licence by Edward III to
fortify his "mansion of Ditton" which included his houses at Stoke Poges and
Ditton (and four years later "to build a park of 38 acres"). The
central tower of the house is still known as the 'de Molyns tower' and is probably a
perpetuation of the original 14th century edifice.
The original 'castle' and moat is illustrated in Nordern's map of
1607. The
de Molyns family apparently owned Ditton until about 1429, when Sir William de Molyns was
killed at Orleans. His daughter,
Alianore, at the age of 15, married Robert, Lord Hungerford, into whose family the estates
of Ditton passed. In
1440 alders from Ditton were used for the building of Eton College. Ditton Manor reverted to the crown in 1472. From 1517 to 1521 Princess Mary (afterwards
Queen Mary I) was a frequent visitor to Windsor Castle and Ditton, where a great part of
her early years was spent. It is recorded that Ditched Ferry
was used as a means of transport between Windsor and Ditton and that on Christmas Day
1521, the clergy of Windsor Castle attended at Ditton Park to sing ballads and other songs
before the Princess, for which they were rewarded with the sum of 10 shillings. At this time the house was probably the
residence of Cardinal Wolsey. In
1532, Ann Boleyn was "Keeper of Ditton Park", an emolument worth £180 a year. According
to the Brown Wilier manuscript the property remained with the crown until the time of
Elizabeth I. In
the reign of James I, Ditton was in the possession of Sir Ralph Winnowed, Principal
Secretary of State and Keeper of Ditton Park. In
1617, he built a mansion on the site of the de Molyns "enkernelled" house and
incorporated the ancient tower of the earlier building. This
Jacobean mansion is depicted in the set of drawings at the foot of the present main
staircase. Norman's
description of Ditton was as follows: "Ditton Park hat about 220 Deere, about 50 of
antler, 20 of bucks. The circuit of
this Park is 2¼ mile, little timber. It
containeth in quantity about 195 avers good ground." Perhaps
the most notable period of Ditto's history was from about 1718, when the estates had come
into the possession of the Dukes of Montagu.
Anne, daughter of Sir Ralph Winwood, married Edward, 2nd Baron
Montagu of Boughton. Their son
Ralph was created 1st Duke of Montagu in 1705 and married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas
Wrothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton and owner of Beaulieu Palace and Abbey. John,
2nd Duke of Montagu, who married Mary, daughter of the 1st Duke of Marlborough, thus owned
Ditton and Beaulieu and during his lifetime, the house was enlarged and developed, and the
moat was widened. On the main
staircase, there is a copy of a map dated 1718, of which the original is at Beaulieu,
which shows the layout and extent of the property. Through
John's daughter, Mary, Ditton passed to her husband George, Earl of Cardigan, who was
created Duke of Montagu. Their
daughter, Elizabeth, married Henry, Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, and it was for
their 2nd son, Henry James, 2nd Baron Montagu, that the present house was built in 1813,
the Winwood house having been almost completely destroyed by fire in April 1812. The fire, incidentally, was said to
have been due to the "bursting of a flue, which projected from a patent stove in a
room adjoining his Lordship's bedroom". The
north side of the present mansion, and possibly the tower (or part of it) are all that
remain from the earlier building. During
the 19th century, Ditton maintained a style of great hospitality, Sir Walter Scott was a
frequent visitor. The gardens are
described in the "Gardeners Magazine" of 1837. On
crossing the moat by the main entrance (one of the only two bridges over the moat) the
clock tower on the left (originally part of the stables) contains a bell dated 1608 from
an early chantry chapel in the grounds. The
clock movement is dated 1818, and this clock is believed to be the oldest in Admiralty
service. Another bell to the left
of the gatehouse is dated 1764 and is probably a later chapel bell. The
sundial area near the flagstaff commemorates the coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The
buildings, with archway, on the right of the entrance originally contained the brewery and
laundry. Behind them are some of the
workshops and also the Pump House which contains a rare example of a Hot Air Engine, used
for pumping the water supply for the mansion. The
house is decorated with coats of arms of the Winwoods and Montagus, but is of no special
interest except possibly in respect of the tower, which may be part of the de Molyns
building. In the main gallery,
now the Compass Department Museum, a glass plaque commemorates the rebuilding of the
house, and there is also a panel of drawings of the Winwood house and a replica of a
figure from a 13th century crucifix found in the grounds in 1922. Some of the lead drainpipes carry headings
bearing the heraldic device of the Montagus. Beyond
the house is the "Boschette" which contains a wide variety of trees and
flowering shrubs. Some of the trees are
said to have been planted by Cardinal Wolsey. Near
the moat on the south side is an exceptionally fine Swamp Cypress (or deciduous cypress)
which is about 100 years old. It and
two others on an island in the north-west corner of the moat were considered to be the
largest in England (Gardeners Magazine 1835). On
the main lawn is an oak planted by HM King George V and a copper beech planted in 1954 by
HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. Outside
the moat is a lime tree which, in 1835, was recorded as being "80 ft high with a
trunk 22 ft by 10 in, at circumference at 1 ft from the ground, of unknown age and still
in a vigorous state". The
Park encloses about 210 acres, much of which is let for agricultural purposes. The western part is let by the Admiralty to the
Radio Research Station under the Director of Scientific and Industrial Research, for which
many new headquarters are being built. The
lime avenue between the inner and outer main entrances is worthy of note. A
short distance to the southward of the drive crossroads is the Chapel. An earlier Chantry Chapel is referred to in
the Brown Wilter MSS as existing in 1338. In
1547, at the Dissolution, the chapel was desecrated and the chantry dissolved, but the
building seems to have remained as it is referred to in 1673 and 1680 and was built by Sir
Richard Winwood in 1697. The
present chapel was rebuilt by Lord Montagu in 1817.
It is now used as a store and the altar is to be found in the Chapel
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Buckler's Hard, near Beaulieu. A few links with Ditton will be
found at Beaulieu, where may be seen the great table from the servants' hall at Ditton, a
single piece of elm 16 ft long and ?½ in. thick.
In the picture gallery at Beaulieu, there is a picture of the famous
cat belonging to Henry, Lord Montagu, which was well-known at Ditton and described as
"of majestic proportions and formidable appearance." In
1917 the estate was bought by the Admiralty as the headquarters of the Compass Department,
which was then in its 75th year and had previously been housed at Deptford. In
1837, the "Admiralty Compass Committee" was appointed to investigate the whole
problem of the mounting of compasses in ships containing an ever-growing amount of ferrous
material. They sat for three
years, and in 1842, with the appointment of Captain E H Johnson, the Department was
founded with headquarters at Charlton, near Woolwich, to put into execution the findings
of the Compass Committee. In
1855 Captain Sir Frederick Evans, KCB, FRS, was appointed Superintendent in succession to
Johnson, and 10 years later, when Evans became Assistant Hydrographer, the Department
became a Branch of the Hydrographic Department and became a separate organisation under
the Controller. By
1917 the growth of gyro-compass work, combined with magnetic interference from electric
trams and other things, had rendered Deptford no longer tenable. The whole organisation in both Deptford and
London was, in that year, removed to Ditton Park, which the Admiralty purchased from Lord
Montagu of Beaulieu (this creating the precedent for a fashion which has come into vogue
in later years). The status of an
Admiralty Department was at this time regained, and held until the reorganisation of the
Controller's Departments in 1958. It became my privilege to stage
Sam's retirement dinner using the staff canteen where Colin Fielding, ASWE director, had
agreed to attend and make the retirement presentation.
Among the many guests were members of the management
service, my office, which included Freddie Bulstrode accompanied by her husband, Ken. Freddie was recognised as ASWE's 'Poet
Laureate', who was commissioned to write an ode for Stan's farewell occasion. Ken's role, equally important, was as
official photographer. His security
clearance to take photos became quite involved as he was not a member of ASWE. Security, as a whole, had to be carefully
observed, requiring a list of names of those attending this function to be submitted to
the Head of Security. In preparing the formal toast
speech to Stan, I discovered that he had worked at ARL, Teddington, and had played in the
ARL football team, prior to my arrival there in 1949.
Another member of the drawing office, Derek Davie, MBE, was also
at ARL and had played soccer for the NPL at the same period as Stan. Very few could claim to have our sport and
career pedigree! It was easy to visualise Stan as a
footballer, for he was stockily built with no apparent surplus weight. He generally produced a broad
smile, for he never lacked a sense of humour - generally at my expense when I was present. He
was a useful bowler on the green and did later, using his administrative skill,
orchestrate the formation of a bowling club where he lived at Denmead, near Portsdown. On
Sunday 2nd October, 1977, Harry returned home after staying a week at a rented room in an
old Victorian house, where there were around 17 other tenants, mainly ex-St James'. This house at The Retreat was located close
to the shopping area at Palmerston Road, Southsea.
We took him out to the Churchillian Pub, on Portsdown Hill,
where he continued to give more details of his new address. The
most important news was that he had attended a local doctor, Dr Johnson, who told him that
he was now in Dr. Bale's catchment area for St James' hospital. He wanted to know if he could come home at any
time, for he had gone paranoid again, and said that all policemen were out to catch him. He lived on his sick pay and attendance
allowance. He said he got up at 5
am and went to the cafe, and slept in the afternoon. On
the 16th October, we visited The Retreat, for Harry had been home since the 6th October,
refusing to return, having left all his belongings and electric fire in his room. The proprietor, Mr Blackley, told us that
others like Harry were not as fortunate as to have a home to go to. I arranged to keep his room, paying a
weekly rent of £5 in order that he could remain in this catchment area of St James'. We
saw Dr Bale, with Harry, on the 28th October, who told us that he was ill deep down and he
could not promise much hope. Harry
had refused to attend the industrial unit at St James' and the day hospital for short term
patients. He would continue to see
Harry so long as he remained in his catchment area. During the whole of November,
Harry stayed at home with his mother a nervous wreck.
Got his drink in the morning, went to bed in the afternoon and later
wandered around the house in his pyjamas. Said
he had lost £3 of the £5 given to him to last three days.
He kept repeating, "What I'm to do?". I told him to go to the Industrial Training Unit,
but he became abusive. On Sunday 4th December, Harry claimed that the neighbours had
caused him to drink by telling him to get alcohol from the local off-licence shop. He had decided to return to The Retreat
tonight, as instructed by Dr Bale, who was confused as regards Harry's medical card, for
if he stayed at the Retreat he would have to transfer to his local doctor, Dr. Johnson. We had a call from Harry to bring
him home on 10th December. We
found his room very untidy, the sink was in a very dirty state and apparently he had been
sleeping fully dressed. He had spent
£20, had no money left for the weekend.
He said that he went out each morning to a local cafe to have
his breakfast. He had spoken to his
landlord several times during the week. A
domicialiary nurse, Ron, from St James' had called on him.
On the previous day, we had visited him and his mother told him off
for smelling of drink and for not undressing when he went to bed. We joined the Lerwells, Linda's
family at their farm in Coombe Martin for Christmas.
Harry slept in a caravan on the farm and was given £10 to spend
over the stay and managed to last out, thank goodness.
Most mornings he went to the village, returning for dinner. In the evenings, he retired to bed, around 6
pm. On the party night at Coulscott Farm he
refused to attend and went back to his caravan at 5 pm.
In general, he mixed well, but refused to sit next to me at the
table. When we returned home, he
complained of glare, as he did many times at the farm: said it was the effects of Dalman,
he also had a grouse about St James'. In the new year of 1978, we dared
not speculate what the future would have in store for the Rayment family. In general, the year passed with
no major catastrophes. We had
become accustomed to Harry moving between St James', Wigan Crescent and The Retreat. Contact with Dr Bale and Mr Webb had also been
maintained. The ASWE Report followed the same
pattern as the previous years. I had no
adverse comments regarding this document by management.
I did, however, have my introduction reworded by my XMS boss, David
Jarman. Obviously more Annual Report
editions were required if my writing skill was to improve! My
visits to Slough continued, coinciding with an occasional ACO staff retirement
presentation. At their
socialising events with drinks and food, I felt more of a Public Relations Officer for
ASWE. At one of these functions,
Ted Hoy, Officer in Charge, related that he and his wife were successful in being awarded
Silver Certificates after taking part in the Sunday Times National Fun Run, Hyde Park. I was delighted to inform him that I,
too, took part and was also awarded this certificate for the veterans' section. In
ASWE's drawing office, Alan Robinson refereed First Division League football, reaching the
pinnacle of his profession by refereeing the FA Cup at Wembley. Those close to him at his work place
had the pleasure of listening to his weekend football comments, such as; "Bobby
Charlton, what a moaner! He would have a go
from start to finish! I took charge of
Nobby Stiles and Billy Bremner and never had a moment's trouble with either!" Another
draughtsman of repute was Malcolm Coombes, who was well known in the musical world for his
manufacture of violins. He could claim
to have Yehudi Menuhin, the world famous violinist, as a member of his clientele. Later, Malcolm resigned from ASWE to
devote his full time to his creative talent, in spite of having a professional
qualification in Engineering. He
was also a member of the Havant Symphony Orchestra, which was recognised by the Arts
Council for including a new composition in each performance. An
annual event held at ASWE each year was their Autumn Fair, in aid of local charities and
hospitals. It was the custom for the
Director's wife to preside at the Autumn Fair Committee meetings. The organising chairman was chosen in
rotation from the different professions.
The next year, 1979, the Chairman would be chosen from my
specialisation, PTO's - watch out Alan! On leaving St John's Church at
Hampton Wick, I was determined to avoid fund raising activities in the future. I seemed to have a short memory, for I
was again entrapped by management to help out on the stalls. Here is a letter I received from my
Director: Dear
Mr Rayment, I would like to thank you
personally for the part you played in contributing to the tremendously successful Autumn
Fayre on Saturday last. It was a
magnificent team achievement, and I am very pleased to say that we made receipts of over
£900. Thank you again for your
efforts. Yours sincerely, Colin Fielding. Here is a
collection of Stan's Odes Befitting
the Big Man's Occasions My Hernia
Operation When;
there is an operation to be done, to be done Then
poor Alan's lot is not a happy one With
a nursing sister he may be disenchanted 'Till
preliminaries they are imminent And
a shaky hand may do him quite a mischief Altho'
there is no malicious intent. When;
there is an operation to be done, to be done We
trust he'll finish up with more than one Then
they stand around and admire scene of action Consider
all the things to make their choice. It
could be when they've swept up all the debris, He'll
find he's left with a much higher voice. When;
there is an operation to be done, to be done I
hope we'll still be able to call him 'son'! So
when he's finished all his convalescence And
attempts to do the things he's done before We
trust that he will not be disappointed If
the best of things belongs to days of yore. When
the operations' done, has been done - has been done Then
a ??? makes him an unhappy one. Stan
Pens his Farewell In
Ryme We Beholdeth And
So My Work Endeth At
a do to mark my retirement, The
Big Man stood up and spoke, Of
things I had said and done, And
some that I had wrote. Many
referred to his person, Most
appropriate all the time, The
Point he was really trying to make, Was
- I had written them in rhyme. The
theme was further developed, The
ladies came into the game, Freddie
Bulstrode delivered a marvellous screed, That
put my own efforts to shame. Then
'X' delivered his 'odd ode', with
clarity and verve, And
the gathering - quite rightly so, Cheered
his every word. To
further record the occasion, He
presented - coloured in red, A
scroll containing each word and line, That
Freddie had so nicely said. To
complete the 'no presentation', Joan
Boutell, with talent and skill, Had
recorded the view from my window Looking
north, from the top of the hill. In
the end, I was virtually speechless, Now
I am trying awfully hard, To
express my sincerest thanks, In
the manner of a BARD. You
did me proud in a manner I'll never forget, By
being there, on that evening we shared, Thank
you all, for everything, AND
'Big Man' leaves Stan's Arena Tho'
you may have been another tally, And
you're allegiance may have changed, You
look with eyes of management, As
your tasks are re-arranged, Without
Shirley to protect you, You
may stand exposed and callow, But
I feel that you will somehow cope, With
your present share of valour. A
rolling stone gathers no moss, Another's
gain is perhaps our loss, We
are left in addition, What
was your cross Whilst
you philandered with the new boss. The
'Big Man's' Birthday Card The
W....... O. T............. 'Tis
a day that reeks of memories Of
a Youth that's long since past Of
virility and energy When
it seemed that had to last But
as increasing years unfolded In
the mirror was there to see So
you soaked up the TV adverts And
put your faith in Double 'D' The
result of this pitiful story Is
that however much you may try You
get more like Harry Secombe And
less like Barbara Fry. But
we must be kind to the youngster For
even he has a soul And
the hockey club schoolboys gleefully claim WE'VE got
a womble in goal! So
we remember you give pleasure to someone, That we've got two for a bearing of one Today,
age shall not be mentioned, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' Son. The
Big Man's Name Removed From Stan's Force I bear no grudge, to young or old Let
all take part Let
the old indulge So
Shirley withdrew it And
to her shame That
which she held Bore
not your name. W.O.T.
worries the young W.O.T.
worries the old W.O.T.
makes people happy Or
so we are told But
what does concern us is
was worries WOT Is
it what he has not had Or
what he's not got. The Big Man Has Not Got His Tea Break Your
claim to be young Is
very much alive Yet
you live in the past Way
back in '75. Easter Lament To
see a grown man sobbing Is
not a cause for fun Tho
who could see a crisis over half a hot cross bun. When
a person is so sensitive In
a thickish sort of way It's
these small considerations That
help him through the day. Not
forgetting in addition Food
is his major need For
unlike those who serve him He
has an awful lot to feed. The
Big Man Wanted for Bowls Alan,
Regretfully I ask of you, To
bowl with us a wood or two, It
would be nice to set us aback, And
roll them somewhere near the back, May
I remind you of the date, It's
the 24th so don't be late. Missed
again, It must be meant, When
will I see, That Ray-a-ment? Further Ones by XMS Management Staff He
tramps the corridors of Power Department
Heads all cringe They
know that Alan's on the loose, Staff
useages to singe! The
Admin Side knows him so well Oft
he's found them in error They'd
love to knife him in the back He's
such a holy terror! But
when all that is said and done We're
glad his Birthday's here At
least he's part of XMS So
what is there to fear! I'm
not such a clever man As
your former boss (that's Stan) He
could jot down many a ditty From
his head - oh what a pity That
it's taking so much time For
me to find two words that rhyme How
about a word like 'hockey'? (Please
don't think I'm being cocky If
I changed the word to 'ball' Hockey
just won't rhyme at all.
Dep. to Stan you really must know Where
can be found each PTO You
can always count the ones that go With
conkers picked at ACO!
At Even ere the sun was set The
bowls around him were lying He
was looking dismayed He
had only just played And
the rest of the team were crying! And
it's not use Mac just balling the Jack It's
against ACO we are vying. II With
his back to the wall There
was no sign of the law And
the villains really looked menacing But
he won a reprieve, with the Ace up his sleeve He
held Ten, Jack, Queen, Ace and the King.
GFJT This year I had been landed the Colts' Manager's job for my hockey club, in addition to the 5th XI Captain's role. Gladys found that she had a full-time job answering the 'phone to players who were not able to keep their playing commitments. On
one of the Colt's fixtures I had been taken to task by the club's trainer, Peter Hancox, a
PT instructor at the City of Portsmouth Boys' School, for not selecting Tony Saddler. He claimed that Tony was of club executive
material. Time was to prove Peter's
predictions to be correct, indeed a number of these Colts also did likewise, in becoming
club officers. I too, was a 'Colt' in
the management of hockey players, and had to be prepared for criticism. From
time to time there were conflicts on Sunday mornings, when I was scheduled to be jogging
and looking after the Hockey Colts at the same time.
It was not surprising that occasionally Gladys would comment about what I
was supposed to be doing, "Is it hockey or is it jogging?" It
was surprising, however, to be awarded a Silver Certificate Standard for finishing 29th in
the veterans' class of the Sunday Times National Fun Run, Hyde Park, October 1st, 1978. I
attended bridge sessions at the various homes of those who played at either the Southsea
Community Centre, Court Lane School, and Langstone Conservative Club. These were generally, Wilma Killean, who
partnered me at Kingston Prison, and Jean and Les Hewitts.
Les was manager of the local branch of Corralls of PD Fuels Ltd. Gladys enjoyed their company when this
session took place at home and provided light refreshments. Another
bridge school, that generally included George and Byrle Melling Conservative Club took
place aboard the Portsmouth and Cherbourg ferry.
These were to be known as the '£5 day booze trips' for they seemed to
attract the whole of the publicans in the South of England.
Gladys, who kept us company on these outings, on one day trip
wore a fur hat that drew the attention of a group of drinkers. They were singing, "Where did you get
that hat?" Before we knew what was
happening, while playing cards, she had joined them in their frolics. No one present, other than myself, could
realise the benefit she would gain by letting her hair down and forgetting her domestic
cares. These trips, where most of the
passengers were there to drink duty-free alcohol, got out of hand and the police were
called in to arrest the trouble makers on arrival back at Portsmouth Harbour. Both my Auntie Lou, now nearing
90, and my sister, Edith, stayed with us at separate times, as did Edna, Gladys' sister
with her husband, Tony and their son, Bryan, a school-boy.
For all our visitors, we had a standard tour embracing Victory,
Nelson's ship, the Submarine Museum, Gosport and the Marine Museum, Eastney seafront. This was the first year for a
considerable time that we could make any kind of visiting arrangement with any degree of
confidence. In
early Autumn we took Harry to Inverness with Saga, who agreed we could take him along,
although there was no official ruling that we could do this, as these holidays were for
the over-60's. This visit to Scotland
was a great success. At the hotel where
we stayed, the haggis was ceremoniously piped in on a silver plate at the start of the
evening meal, by the natives in their kilts. There
is something about the sound of bagpipes that gets the Scotsman's adrenaline going, whilst
having the opposite effect with other tribes, such as the Sassenachs. During
the war, at York, in tents, we had a Scots officer, Burt Steel, who each evening, played
his bagpipes alone on the parade square. What
was said about him in their tents could have had each soldier court-martialed. Seated
at our table were two elderly ladies who made quite a fuss of Harry. They realised there was something a bit odd
for Harry to be seated with the oldies, but they took a liking to him. This, of course, was a great relief to
Gladys and gave her a chance to relax. The
fact that Harry came into our bedroom each night, complaining that he could not sleep, was
a relative worry. He located a
doctor while at Inverness, and obtained Valium, from which he was able to obtain some
sleep. Shortly
after our return to Bedhampton on the 24th November, Harry said he would not be coming
home that weekend and asked for £6. This
was Friday night, when his mother was cleaning his room out at The Retreat. On Sunday, we received a 'phone call
to say he had no money he was coming home, and that his TV needed repairing. He had now returned to his normal pattern
of behaviour, being unsettled and us not knowing whether he was at The Retreat or at home. When at home, he went around in his pyjamas. He had obtained a picture of Marilyn Monroe
and fixed it in a position on the wall, so that she did not face him in his bedroom. We
were told that Portsmouth City Council had found a room in tall block of flats. He continued to be up and down during
the night, making cups of tea and having a bath before I came down to breakfast. On
23rd December, Harry arrived to spend Christmas week at home. Andrew and Linda took him to a carol
service at Cowplain Community Centre, but left before the carols had finished. He said his voice was dry,
through the Derisical injections that he had been having at St James' Hospital. Andrew brought him home. On Christmas Eve, he spent most of the
day in his pyjamas. His luggage, placed
on his wardrobe, fell off onto his mother's head, breaking her glasses and bruising her
face. We
learned that Portsmouth City Council had turned down the flat that Harry had been
promised. He was taken back to
The Retreat on 27th December, when there was a scene regarding his demand for money after
his allowance had been spent. Not
unusual, of course, and resembling a bartering scene in an Arabian market. There
was something pleasant about knowing that the time was fast approaching to hang up my
boots, which would take place, at the latest, on reaching 65 next year - provided I made
the finishing post. I
was still over-committed in my hockey club roles, ie, Colts manager, 5th XI Captain, club
committee member, and Portsmouth Sports Council representative for hockey. My Sunday jogging before the Colts matches
in the mornings was still not popular with Gladys.
This was especially true when she received late cancellations
from the Colts, while I was out jogging. I
was honoured by my club by being presented with their Clubman Cup for 1979, but this did
not cut much ice with Gladys. It would
have been much more tactful if it had been presented to her for acting as my secretary. It
was obvious that my achievement at the Sunday Times Fun Run at Hyde Park would not equal
the previous year's level, for I was aware that I had overstretched myself. However, I did finish the veterans' course
and did receive the Bronze Certificate. In
the Drawing Office Annual Bowling Competition, I was successful in winning the Lambert Cup
for 1979. Not bad for being a
non-serious bowls player, for I still treated this as an old man's game. I surprised many of the office's well-
established players who played for the Civil Service Club, Copnor. Harry
was still based at The Retreat, with myself ensuring that his fortnightly payments were
made to the Arab landlord. His
unpredictable movements continued, but he was still being visited by Mr Webb, Welfare
Officer of St James'. He obtained a temporary gardening job for Harry at the hospital, but
this only lasted a week. In
June we rented a woodland cottage at Bettws-y-Coed from the Forestry Commission, and took
Harry with us. This turned out
to be ideal, for there were no neighbours to concern Harry, only nature with the woods,
animals and birds to keep us company. This
proved a useful centre from which to visit the Snowdonia area, which Sam and I had
conquered in our early teens. I
had an Allegro although originally white, it had so much rust on it that it was difficult
to know its colour. It was fast
approaching 150,000 miles on the clock and was still in good order mechanically. On
our return, after all having charged our human batteries, we felt more confident to face
whatever fate had in store for us. One
Friday night in early Spring, Harry failed to turn up for the weekend. He arrived home the following day, as I was
leaving for a bowls match in the afternoon.
Standing at the front garden gate was a young lady with an
anxious look, as Harry approached me. He
wanted to know if his mother would be kind to Joan.
I put his mind to rest by inviting Joan into the house to see
Gladys. A
lot passed through my head as I played bowls at the Civil Service club, Copnor. Harry had not had any serious
relationship with any female, to my knowledge.
On my return, I found that Gladys had taken a liking to Joan and
had treated her as if she were a daughter.
Joan had fair hair, a pale complexion, a thinnish face. With her pointed nose and chin, she could
suitably have worn a Welsh costume. Harry
had met her at St James', where she was receiving shock treatment, following her discovery
of her husband dead in bed. He had
committed suicide by stabbing himself with a
pair of scissors. She seemed to understand Harry, and just laughed when he did or said odd
things, such as turning the family photographs round the wrong way whenever they were
displayed. Joan Powell mentioned to Gladys that her sister,
Margaret and mother would like to take Harry to church the next Sunday morning. This was arranged, but after he
arrived at their house, he said he felt 'queer' and laid on the sofa for the rest of the
morning. They were becoming
Harry's and our Good Samaritan. We
were able to spend four days in the Lake District, taking my sister Edie with us, being a
grocer's wife, she seldom had a holiday.
Joan assured us that they would keep an eye on Harry. They had been leaning on him to get a job! During
July the Powell family went on holiday to Jersey with instructions to bring back duty free
cigarettes for Harry. During their
stay, we rented a cottage at Dunster, Somerset.
We were close to the church where I gave Sam's daughter, Barbara
away, after he had left his nest, to live with a lady Lecturer, leaving Ella and his
daughters. This
very old picturesque village, with its castle, provided plenty of opportunities for the
three of us to get lost in the surrounding woods and meadows. We noticed that Harry bought a
souvenir at the first opportunity, for Joan.
Barbara's father-in-law was the publican of the Forester's Arms,
located close to the Packhorse Bridge in the village, providing us with a convenient
meeting place for our families to get together - for Harry, an excellent drinking venue. Our return home witnessed Harry buying
flowers to take to Joan with his souvenir. Joan
had a part-time domestic job at an old peoples' home.
She was aware of Harry's behavioural pattern and made it clear that
should he harm her in any way, she would leave him.
Their relationship continued for the whole of this year, and we were
able to plan Christmas at the farm in Devon, leaving Harry in the care of the Powell
family. Traditionally,
the Director's wife was automatically the President of the Autumn Fayre charity
fund-raising body. This
year, this honorary position was bestowed on Mrs K Slater, whose husband had recently
become our new Director. It was his role to
hand over to his wife a committee, with a chairman, to organise this event. It was also the year for my specialisation,
PTO, to have a member to take over the Chairman's post. Whilst
chatting with my administrative staff, Freddie Bulstrode and Daphne Dickenson, we were
congratulating ourselves for completing the 1979 Annual Report on schedule, when an envoy
from the Director entered the office and asked to speak to me in private. He wanted to know, would I take
on the Chairman's post for the forthcoming Autumn Fayre?
Alas, I was not in a position domestically to take on
additional responsibilities and so I had to decline this invitation. Within a few days of this request, I
learned that two members of my grade in the Workshop Management were prepared to take on
this voluntary work. On
the 12th June, I was requested to attend an inaugural meeting of the 1979 Autumn Fayre
Committee in the Director's office. Several
others, who had received this message were waiting in the Director's secretary's office as
I arrived. The Director appeared and invited
us into his office, and referred to us as all volunteers.
I responded by stating that I had not volunteered, but if he was
assuming an army use of this term, 'you, you and you', I would agree. We
were asked to sit down at his conference table and elect a chairman. Looking in the direction of the two who had
already been primed for the post, I was relieved when they answered the call. Now being let off the hook, I did not
feel inhibited in making suggestions for including new events. Two of these that were adopted
included a pipe band and a mass balloon race. There
was already a Scottish dancing section at ASWE which put on a display for the public at
the Fayre, so a Scottish band added to the Highland theme.
My contact for the pipe band was Johnny Haynes, who was a draughtsman
at ARL, Teddington. Although
the afternoon was very windy, on top of Portsdown Hill, where ASWE was sited, there were
plenty of sheltered positions in between the many rows of laboratory buildings. Johnny was a piper in this band, and
delighted in giving me a solo item on his bagpipes.
Fate ordained him to be a caretaker at ARL before it was
closed down, when the whole of Admiralty research became privatised during the 1990's. When
my XMS Section learned that I had committed their office to organise a mass balloon race,
the staff had very mixed feelings.
A colleague was heard in the office to say that I wanted
to be Lord Mayor of Portsmouth. Apart
from that comment, the staff used all their contacts and resources to make this event a
success. The
XMS.1 office was strategically placed, having daily contact with all offices monitoring
work effort, both industrial and non-industrial
However, there were several hurdles to be overcome, which had to
be resolved. How do you restrain
several hundred balloons, once blown up?
I tested the designers and got some crazy ideas, such as using
masses of bed spreads tied together. It
was on my way to ACO, Slough, that the idea of using goalpost nets came to mind. On my return to ASWE, I checked
with the Sports Section Chairman, who was only too glad to show me the dilapidated state
that both the goalposts and nets were in. The
posts were rotted away at the base and angle iron stakes had to be used to support the
posts upright. String was used to
hold the nets together. I then, immediately, addressed my
immediate boss, David Jarman, and told him that he should order new posts and nets if he
wanted his section to make a success of this event.
This was done, and now not only was the Fayre to benefit from
this action, but also the Sports Section. The
Workshop apprentices prepared the staging of the goalposts and nets, with provision for
releasing the balloons. This
facet of the race seemed settled until the nets arrived.
They were made of nylon and all the ends of the strands were
needle sharp. There were no
alternatives open. It meant that
everyone concerned with this event would have to pray for a calm day. One
of my bridge card players was Les Hewitt, Manager of Corralls Fuel Ltd. I succeeded in getting him to persuade his
company to sponsor this event to the extent of £100.
All seemed fine, with sales of balloon tickets reaching 1500,
until a member of the naval staff asked if I had clearance from the local Southampton
Airport. I told him that these
were only toy balloons. He left
the office with a smile. I now
had a nasty feeling in my stomach, I could not after all see myself making Lord Mayor of
Portsmouth! Without
further delay, I 'phoned the Airport Manager and succeeded in speaking to him personally. After that conversation I felt sick, he had
demanded an insurance cover of £5,000,000 and should this not be done, he would take out
a writ against the event taking place. In
these circumstances, you are on your own to sort out the dilemma. Soon
after this bombshell, I 'phoned the Civil Aviation Authority and asked them on the ruling
for the release of toy balloons. There
were no objections to them being released in large numbers, provided that they were
released in batches of 100 every 5 minutes. I
informed the Chairman of the Fayre Committee of the conversation with Somers, the Airport
Manager, he said he would discuss the matter with Ken Slater. The following morning, seated at my desk was Roger
Smith, our computer programmer. As
I sat down opposite Roger, he pushed a letter over to me from Somers. I felt again a very lonely man with Roger
carrying a smirky grin across his face. I
finally had instructions to ignore the letter, but to ensure that we observed CAA regulations.
This meant that the cage holding the balloons had to be modified to
prevent the balloons being released en masse.
total of balloon tickets sold had reached 1600, and we were well covered with volunteers
to blow up the balloons, which included staff at all levels, including departmental heads. A
few days before the count-down day, Saturday, I was asked to go to the Deputy's office,
Peter Grapham. He told me he was
acting for the Director, who had gone to America on business. He had in his hand, the letter from
Somers, demanding the £5,000,000 insurance cover for any damage that his planes may
receive as a result of these balloons being released.
I told him that Ken Slater gave me permission to ignore it,
otherwise all efforts would have been spent on paying for insurance cover. However, he insisted, as he was
in charge, that the event must be covered. There
followed a slanging match between us. I
told him that I did not volunteer for the Autumn Fayre Committee. He then retorted that he, too, had not
volunteered to stand in for the Director. Reluctantly,
I told him that I would get in touch with Somers, to see if he had changed his thoughts. Again, I was fortunate to speak to him
direct on the 'phone. I
referred to our balloon race, and when asked for the indemnity amount, he quoted
£500,000. I
returned to Peter Grapham's office and gave him the latest cover figure. I had only to pay a fraction of the original
insurance cover fee, which I tried to recover from the Establishment without success. During
this period of uncertainty, XMS1 office was like a morgue, for fear that all their efforts
would have been in vain, should it be a non-starter.
Peter Grapham was satisfied with the action I had taken to obtain
cover for the balloon race and gave the green light to go ahead with this event. All
those involved with this venture prayed hard for a calm day on Saturday, knowing that the
balloons, caged in the nylon nets, could burst if pressed against the nets' sharp strand
ends. Unfortunately,
all our Guardian Angels had deserted us, for on the Fayre day, there were strong
south-westerly winds. A relay
team had to be used to obtain balloons from Portsmouth to replace those that became
casualties in the net through their encapsulation before release. The team engaged in their inflation
were unable to have a lunch break. A
team member visited me the following Monday morning and told me never to ask him to do
this inflation task again, and seemed to avoid me whenever our paths met. The
mass balloon race was preceded by the director's wife, Mrs K Slater, cutting a chord to
release an inflated meteorological balloon, to signal the start of the opening of the
Fayre. To everyone's amusement,
the force of the wind blew the balloon into the entrance of the canteen building. To release the balloons through
the hatch opening, the undignified use of a broom had to be employed, such was the
horizontal force of the wind. Once
the balloons had been freed, many did not make the sky and lay scattered over the fields
of Southwick. For
several months after the balloon race, their labels were returned to ASWE. The farthest came from Lund, Sweden, and a
few others had interesting letters returned with them. Lessons
were learned from this exercise, a) Make sure your Guardian Angel responds to your prayer
for calm weather; b) Make sure the cage containing the balloons is not made of nylon; c)
Ensure that there is no Mr Somers at a local airport.
full account of the event and details setting out the winners and distances travelled was
given in the December 1979 issue of the ASWE Bulletin. I
received a very appreciative letter from the Director, Ken Slater, after the Fayre was
over as follows - MR
Alan, I would like to both thank you for and congratulate you on the huge success of the balloon race. It was the biggest money spinner at the Autumn Fayre, and was a great attraction to all. I
know that there were many people concerned with the whole venture and I am writing
separately to some of them. I realise,
however, that the load of the operation - for such it can truly be called! - fell on your
shoulders, and that you had your share of problems and worries which you competently
handled and resolved. I do
appreciate the time and effort which you have so willingly expended, and I am delighted
that the Balloon Race was such an outstanding success. Thank
you again, Yours
sincerely K
making a successful approach to CORRALLS OF PD SOLID FUELS LTD, who generously promised to
donate £100 towards the balloon race expenses and prize money, the project moved from a
feasibility study to project definition stage.
With the effort of a few dedicated staff undertaking sales promotion,
procurement of balloons, gas, labels, valves and a team of helpers on the final day to
inflate the balloons, a total of 1628 balloons were sold and released. Pay
disputes caused delays in obtaining posters promoting the event; these finally came to
hand after 1200 balloons had been sold via the Management Services communication network. To ensure that no breakdown in air
safety regulations would occur, letters giving details of the event were sent to the Civil
Aviation Authority (CAA) and Southampton Airport Ltd.
A reply from the Southampton Airport, demanding a £5 million
insurance cover, to say the least, was a shock to the promoters of the event, particularly
when such a cover could cost £300. Fortunately,
the CAA provided regulations covering requirements for toy balloon races which enabled the
event to be held without the need for an insurance cover for this amount. The
device for holding and releasing 1000+ balloons was bandied about among numerous designers
and, many helpful suggestions were put forward, such as making use of garages with sliding
doors; making use of nets secured to parapets on the roof of the Main Building. One young bright scientist offered his
wife's coloured bed linen stitched together to form a parachute which would contain the
1000+ balloons when released and then fall away.
The Workshop staff erection of goal posts and nets with a
release and chamber and escape hatch, whilst proving partially satisfactory, could not
possibly deal with the antics of the balloons whipped up by the high winds on the day, nor
was there any chance of proving the device before the event, or the life of a balloon in
this environment. The balloons it
seemed had to be treated like wild animals and held netted to the ground. Those
who were engaged in this operation worked throughout the day taming the balloons. More than 400 balloons became
casualties in this struggle which entailed 2000+ balloons being inflated. The
income from this event raised £410. At
the time of going to press, 263 labels have been returned, many being accompanied by
letters. The flight path of the
balloons covered Guildford, Leatherhead, North London, Chelmsford, Ipswich, North Sea,
Denmark and Sweden. One arrived
at Banbury Station and it is felt that this balloon had a train ride. Staff
throughout the establishment eagerly awaited the regular print-out of the Balloon Race
results, provided by the Management Services Division who were responsible for organising
the Corralls sponsored balloon race. This
event brought people together who would not normally meet and the challenges it presented,
which were resolved, brought immense satisfaction to most of those involved. All members of staff, and especially
those who worked so hard in supporting the Autumn Fayre, will be delighted to hear that we
were able to send cheques for the amounts below as a result of the outstanding success of
the Fayre:- Civil Service
Benevolent Fund: £640 King George's
Fund for Sailors: £640 You
will all be aware that the Balloon Race was the biggest money-spinner, and it raised the
amazing amount of £410. The
balloons travelled far and wide, and an up to date SITREP of those which travelled the
furthest as at 16 November 1979 is: Number Miles Ticket Holder
Found 456 675 J R Chaddock
Lund, Sweden 513 664 P Strugnell
Hornbaek, Denmark 377 660 Mrs Collingwood
Kobenhagen, Denmark 1353 624
Mr K F Slater Sejero, Denmark 4 624 Mrs D D Dickenson Sejero, Denmark 767 612 E Lawrence Binderup,
Denmark 715 605 D G Ballard Bogense, Denmark 362 605 Colleen Carter
Bogense, Denmark 514 592
D H Francis
Gyllingnas, Denmark The
firm of Corralls (PD Fuels) very kindly sponsored this event, and Mr L G Hewitt, the Managing Director, has agreed to
come to ASWE to make the formal presentation of the prize to the winner. This will take place in Conference Rooms 2
and 4 at 1215 on 3 December. Please
note that next year the ASWE Autumn Fayre will be held on Saturday, 27 September 1980, and
the Autumn Fayre Committee has made a firm booking (via the Naval Staff at ASWE) for the
Royal Marine Band to appear. There
will also be another Marathon Balloon Race. Be
sure to make a note of this important date now. A
selection of letters and cards returned:
Halstead, Essex
October, 1979 On
referring to the map, Cosham is near enough in direct line with Hoddesdon and Greenstead
Green (two miles south of Halstead) and this second one was only 30 yd from where I found
the first one. I cannot be sure
that the balloon was not there before Sunday, but I doubt it as it was bright red and this
is what caught my eye. As
a point of interest, I enclose a photograph of my house and garden, taken from the air. It is an isolated house surrounded by
fields. I have marked on the back
where the two balloons fell. I
send this information which might be of interest as an item for a news sheet or magazine,
should you have one. Since this
balloon had travelled well over 100 miles I would be interested to learn when it was
released. Yours
sincerely, Wendy Wilson (Mrs)
Autumn Fayre Committee Admiralty
Surface Weapons Establishment Portsdown,
Date: 20 September 1979 The card was found at sea, at 10o 22'
East, 55o 41' North from Æbelo, fyn, Denmark. Finders name: Jorgen B Screiber
Askevej 46
DK 8700 Horsens
Denmark Card
No. 83 enclosed.
with kindly regards
Jorgen B Schreiber
ingenior, M af I
From: J W Murrant
Chairman, ASWE Autumn
To: Mr J W Somers Southampton
Airport 6 September 1979 Dear
reference to the above event a copy of our letter to the Civilian Aviation Authority,
dated 22 August, was forwarded to you confirming that this event will be operated in
accordance with CAA's requirements set out in their letter reference 104/9/04 dated 7
August 1979. Enclosed
is a copy of a £500,000 Insurance Cover, policy number TM 1819026 with endorsement to
indemnify Southampton Airport Ltd with regards to any claims arising from this event as
requested in your telephone conversation with Mr A Rayment XMS1.3 on 17 August. Yours
faithfully, A
C Rayment XMS1
To provide a spectacular starting event to open the Fayre with a view to achieving full
attendance at the start of the Fayre. b.
To raise funds for the Fayre. STATEMENT: a.
The location of ASWE on top of Portsdown Hill provides an ideal setting for the release of
balloons which when released will be free from obstruction and clearly visible to those attending the Fayre. b.
This event will enable Mrs K Slater to clearly signal
the opening of the Fayre. c.
The Autumn Fayre 1979 Committee seek the
of this event and welcome the intent that
XMS1 will be prepared to organise the balloon race. d.
The Project will go into Project Definition
the feasibility study has proved the
project practical and
profitable based on the
following assumption: A
sale of 1000 balloons could be expected with a charge of 25p per registered label and a
prize of £25 awarded to the sponsor of a label received from the furthest distance. The prize to be included by £25 for each
additional 1000 balloons sold, ie 2000 sold - prize £50. e. The competition will be open to all staff at ASWE
and outstations including ACO. RESOURCES: The
FR exercise for 1979 includes an XMS1 approved bid of .ISSP for the 1979 Balloon Race
Project. This effort will be
required to be agreed over the following activities: Project Leader Marketing Manager - Publicity and
Sales Treasurer - money and register Staging Manager Production Manager - XSW/XAM to be
approached by XAL Volunteers
will be required to support the main activities before and on the day of the event. IMMEDIATE
FUTURE: Publicity
details required for call up notice being prepared by Fayre secretary Easter week. SOUTHAMPTON
Price Esq ASWE
Portsdown JNS/KF/SAL
August 1979 Dear
Sir, We
have today received your copy letter dated August 1979 which you have sent to the CAA. The
Duty Officer you referred to in your letter to the CAA was our Mr M C Buckby, SATCO, and
he did not inform you that he had no objection to the balloon race. He informed you the location from which you suggest
that you will disperse the balloons is out of our control area. We
consider that the large number of balloons which you wish to disperse could be a serious
hazard to aircraft operating from Southampton Eastleigh Airport if the wind is in a
direction which causes movement to the balloons towards Southampton Eastleigh Airport. We regret you must accept responsibility and
indemnify us against any claim by any third party as a result of your operation. We
wish to confirm that you will provide us with a copy of an insurance cover for your
balloon race for a minimum of £5 million in any one accident in connection with aircraft
operating at Southampton Eastleigh Airport. A
copy of this letter is being sent to the CAA. Yours
Aviation Branch 1 Room
621, Aviation House 129
Kingsway, London WC2B 6NN Mr
H Price Chairman,
ASWE Autumn Fair Committee ASWE
August 1979 Dear
reference to your enquiry with regard to the toy balloon event to be held on 8th September
1979 at the ASWE Autumn Fair, Portsdown. This
should be organised so that you comply with Article 45 of the Air Navigation Order 1976,
as amended, which states "A person shall not wilfully or negligently cause or permit
an aircraft to endanger any person or property." With
this requirement in mind, I suggest you arrange that either: a) not more than one hundred
balloons are released in one bunch with at least 5 minutes interval between bunches of 100
balloons; or You
should also ensure that you have permission for holding the toy balloon event from the
landowner or relevant authority in charge of the site.
Where the event may effect road traffic or crowd control you should
also seek the views of the local police. Yours
faithfully L Jaspaulfor
Civil Aviation Authority Gladys
had blossomed of late, thanks to some of Harry's load being taken on by Joan and family,
and with the knowledge that he had someone else to care for him. It was with this relaxed state of mind
that she spent more time socialising. On
Tuesdays, on my way to Emsworth to play bridge in the evenings, I took Gladys to the
Langstone Conservative Club to play whist and picked her up on my way home. The whist players, many of whom were
committee members continued to smoke in spite of Gladys' brave action in putting a
suggestion to the Club that smoking should be banned while playing cards. Gladys was popular with my office colleagues
and would always attend a get-together occasion such as a Christmas dinner at 'L'escargot'
restaurant, Southsea. At
the Autumn Fayre, she spent some time talking to Mrs Slater. With regards to Harry's anti-social
behaviour, she had, I believed, accepted that we may have to learn to live with it for all
time. He was staying at home more
because all tenants at The Retreat had been served with a notice to leave the premises. The owners had been charged for not meeting
the statutory requirements for boarding accommodation.
Joan found Harry bed and breakfast board at the Keswick Hotel, Granada
Road, Southsea. The
owner of this bed and breakfast residence specialised in dividing rooms with partitions
and filling the sparsely furnished cells with homeless families. He found a ready harvest by claiming
accommodation allowances direct from the DHSS department. Each
time Gladys cleaned his room out and heard the noise from adjacent tenants she would
declare on her return home that Harry would not stay long there. The most important factor about this
place was that he was in Dr Bayle's catchment area of St James'. Harry was receiving regular Modicate
injections there. On
the 21st December, whilst I was taking part in ACO Christmas celebrations, a doctor from
Haslar Hospital called to see Harry. He
lived at Cosham and worked at this naval establishment.
This visit proved very useful, for he confirmed there was a need for
day attendance allowance. This
enabled me to ensure that I could afford to keep his weekly rent money being paid to
whoever might be his landlord at the time. Joan
and family agreed to have Harry for meals over the Christmas period, while we stayed at
the farm in Devon with Andrew, Linda, Joy and Peter.
I was very popular with the Lerwells for I always did the
washing up. It was
refreshing to wander on my own round the lanes, with only the sheep to keep me company. Very occasionally, Joan Lerwell would take us on a
drive through the narrow local lanes at speed, and not seem to care what was around the
bend. It surprised me that she had
survived so long without a serious accident.
Each time we had been out with her, it was as if we had died a
thousand times. When I drew
Joan's attention to the fact that it was dangerous driving, she just laughed and said that
they all drove in this way. I
suppose, if they are still alive, it is difficult to argue against their love for what I
would regard as suicidal driving. We
took a few gifts back with us, for Joan and family, including a farm chicken, Christmas
pudding and cakes. Harry stayed
at the Keswick Hotel, and visited Joan daily. He
used a taxi to return to his digs on Christmas Eve.
Joan's mother smiled when she told us that he actually helped to wash
up on a number of occasions. Once
back from the farm, Harry returned home at the weekend and complained about the 'Thing' at
the Keswick, and that they were all drug addicts there.
On Saturday evening he came downstairs and switched off the TV
and radio. I told him to stop turning
off the programmes we were listening to or watching.
He then switched on his record player to listen to a Rod Stewart
LP record. He laid on the floor
in front of the gas fire. He kept quiet
for around a quarter of an hour, chain smoking and looking up at the ceiling. After he had played both sides of the
record, he waved his arms about and gave a long outburst.
"None of them are any good!
Dr. Ryle (Teddington) was the worst of the lot and the Jew
doctor (Abramczuk) nearly had me in Rampton - told me to get undressed and told me I had a
big bottom - now fight me! They
call me a dog down the road (Belmont Pub) and what did the woman behind the bar say to me? 'Where is your handbag, dear?' They have all been against me in
Havant. I got the sack at the
cabinet makers for talking - Stewart was no good to me.
Said I had never done a day's work - he knew no one would give
me a job and holds his prick and throws turds at me!
I have been insulted in my own home!" Gladys
sat and said nothing and then went into the kitchen, where she told me to tell him we have
heard it all before. "Everyone
else is wrong except him." She said that
he was driving her into her grave. He
had a long period of this anti- social behaviour, lasting several months, him spending
most of his time at home, although he was still a resident of the Keswick Hotel. During May, Harry told us that
Joan had sacked him because he did not like her friend, Nicolette. He had also walked out twice at a
concert they attended at the Guildhall, Portsmouth.
This was a double blow for Gladys and I, as she and her family
had shared the caring of Harry. I
had submitted a date when I wished to retire, to my top boss of XMS, Ken Watts. This date had to be carefully chosen,
to enable me to have the best pension for the relatively short civil service career. I had to be grateful to my allotment
companion at Hampton Wick, who told me to claim my war service for pension before a
closing date. The war service
period counted as half, if not full civil service, before the war. With war service, my pensionable years
amounted to 33, and when divided by 80 gave me almost 40% of my final salary for my
pension. I
was much aggrieved when Ken Watts passed my retirement note without making personal
contact with me. I
was delighted to learn that Ken Warrington of ACO, Slough, of my grade, had been
designated as my successor. He,
like me, would be launched into compiling the ASWE Annual Report for his first project. He was fortunate to have the Modus Operandi
established to a standard format and understood by his administrative staff - Freddie and
Daphne. This appointment was
excellent, for it continued to forge goodwill between the main and outer establishments. Dr Alan Lee had already been transferred
from ACO to ASWE and was providing support to the Director at the planning stage of new
projects. David
Jarman, Head of XMS1, called me into his office after I had sent him an invitation to my
retirement party at the Langstone Conservative Club, Havant. The Head of Personnel had confirmed that the
date of 24th March 1980 was acceptable. David
asked me if Ken Watts had been invited to my party.
I had to tell him that he had not.
David, a very sincere person, felt that I should, to maintain
goodwill between his office and Ken. I
gave David the reason for not doing so, but in view of his remarks I would invite him. What I was not aware of at the time,
a skittle evening had been planned in the office, where Ken Watts would attend this
farewell occasion. This was to take
place at the Civil Service Club, Copnor Road, prior to my retirement. The week preceding my retirement I
was involved with farewell events each day of the week.
This included ACO, Slough, at home for the office staff, and
associated invitations. It was as
if I had been put on a magic carpet and taken on a pleasant journey and out into the
unknown. Along that journey, a
surprise was waiting for me and Gladys. An
evening had been planned at the Cosham Conservative Club, where Daphne and her husband,
Dickie, were members. George
Taylor and Joan, his wife, picked us up at home to take us to our rendezvous at Cosham. George drew my attention to the fact
that he was going to meet a navy man first at the Civil Service Club, while he was on
shore leave. This did not ring
true, and it was a further surprise to find Roger Smith of XMS.1 standing at the Sports
Club door on our arrival. I asked him
what he was doing here tonight. He
did a smirky grin, as he had done when he had pushed Somer's letter over to me - He said
this was the night that he had a skittle evening each week.
"Come with me and I will show you who also attends." As I played bowls at the club I was familiar
with the skittle alley facilities, having its own bar.
waited until all our group arrived at the door entrance to the skittle alley and then
opened it. I, at first,
stood in amazement, for it was filled with office colleagues, ACO drawing office staff
including Alan Green, Bill Mounts, and at the back was Ken Watts and his wife. Immediately I realised why David had
leaned on me to invite him to my farewell do.
I burst into laughter and those present thought I had gone
hysterical. Only David could have
known the reason for my laughter! Other
days in the 'skittle alley week' had a special occasion to launch me into retirement. The head of the drawing office, Roy
Mackey, who replaced Stan Cadman, invited me out to lunch with a few other members of his
staff. He was very keen to show
me a job application form which he had filled out on my behalf for my future occupation -
as Assistant to Gladys in doing all the household chores at Wigan Crescent. I am not sure how all my activities
listed were to be considered appropriate for this charwoman's post, such as - swimming,
jogging, cricket, hockey, bridge. Gladys
also put on a buffet at home for the office members.
She was very good at making light pastry and so, again, she won
complementary remarks for her apple pie and fresh cream.
I was told that Gladys' cold hands were an asset in making pastry. My
retirement presentation was carried out by Tim Thomas, Deputy Director, who explained that
the Director, Ken Slater, was indisposed.
This took place in the Lecture Hall, giving me a reminder of my
first pre-visit to ASWE, before I was posted there in late 1971. After
Tim Thomas had made his remarks and presented me with a cheque, I thanked all those who
had contributed and for seeing me off today.
ARL when Whitley secretary, it had been my role to give the build-up on those retirement
occasions on the platform. This
time, I was at the receiving end and felt quite nervous.
In the audience were many colleagues from the administrative building
and the outer complexes. There
was much shaking of hands and best wishes from those present, many of whom would be
present at my farewell party. My
grand retirement finale took place at the Langstone Conservative Club, Havant, during
lunch time, following the ASWE presentation in the morning.
It was held in the Panel Room, where the mahogany wood panels
had been taken from the Stateroom, aboard the Cunard liner 'Mauritania'. It had become redundant as a consequence of
air traffic taking over the passenger travel trade.
times, I was asked the question, "What are you going to do when you retire?" I indicated that I would do some
voluntary driving for some cause. What
I had had in my mind for some time since we did the booze trip to Cherbourg, was to become
a part-time ambulance car driver. I
had met the Chief Ambulance Officer of the Eastern Road Ambulance Depot, Portsmouth, who
gave me details of where and how to apply for this voluntary work, whilst on this ferry. When
being asked this question, which was overheard by Gladys, I was soon reminded that a
HOLIDAY was on top of the retirement agenda. Both
Gladys and I were only too aware that with Harry's unstable state, very little could be
planned until a solution had been found for his illness.
Soon after dinner, most of the guests from ASWE had
returned to their work, whilst I felt as if I had been cast off and left in a small boat,
to drift about at the mercy of the elements. The
last to say farewell and wish me luck and happiness for both Gladys and myself, was the
'ASWE Bard', who handed me a copy of her poem, 'Son', which she had written and read out
at the party. I thanked her and promised that
I would keep a copy for all time. I
certainly would have Freddie Bulstrode's 'Son' poem with me should I ever be on a castaway
boat! Here is her eulogy:- 'SON' This
tale begins with history When
Alan joined the MOD 'Twas
the 10th of October '49 Surely
a day for the sun to shine! Recruited
as a draughtsman, he Was
officially labelled "A & E" And
sent to the place called ARL Would
he be happy? Who could tell? But
although he disliked the uprooting a little He
soon settled in to become Servant - Civil. In
'52 he became a "Lead" And
5 years later the Board decreed A
Senior he was fit to be Not
bad Son! for ex-Army! At
ARL he was called a stalwart As
on the cricket field he fought Many
a battle to win the day And
carry the Stanton Trophy away. On
the 4th of October '71 Promotion
again - to PTO1! This
time to ASWE he was sent on 'Twas
a great wrench to leave Teddington. But
he accepted the move with his usual good grace And
soon we at Portsdown got used to his face! He
found a nice house not too far from ASWE Wigan
Crescent, Bedhampton, PO9 3PP. Now
he's well known at ASWE as Deputy DOM A
job he has always seen through with aplomb. But
he when he was transferred to XMS1 The
scientists outnumbered him 4 to 1! and
many a time with his back to the wall He's stood and defended the PTO's all. His
duties at Slough he never did shirk We
called his trips "Jolly's" but he called them work1 Still
we know that his children at old ACO Are
all very sorry that he has to go. His
sporting activities win him acclaim From
all those who know that he will 'play the game' Football
he loved, but we also can tell Of
his prowess at Hockey and Jogging as well! He
takes part each year in the National Fun Run And
him graded Re-employed Pensioner - Code 1! He's
Manager now of the Colts Hockey team But
the phone calls on fixtures - they make Gladys scream! For
when queries arise our Alan's away She's
scribbling down messages all through the day! The
end of this poem is coming quite soon But
- dare we say it - or whisper - Balloon! the
word is synonymous with ACR's name For
it was his baby - though only a game. His
organisation was thorough and fine The
race was 'Top of the Pops' '79. And
'Top of the Pops' again this year 'twill be If
we can find someone like Rayment, AC. And
now to the last of these verses I've come My
small contribution to one called just 'Son'. He's
been a good colleague, good friend and no less We
all wish him Good Health, Good Luck and God Bless. And
if on a Friday he wants to be fed He
can join us for a pint and two slices of bread! |
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© Alan Rayment 1998
Last revised: January 14, 2001