His Biography takes you
through his boyhood days in a Victorian type household. At school, his main interest was
sport. He became a member of the scout movement, from the cub stage through to becoming a
rover, as did his friend Sam.
Their claim to adventure in their early teens was climbing the Glyders and Snowdon with a
20 mile hike back to base at Llyn Ogwen in one day.
He left grammar school without a certificate but won his school colours at football. After
3 months working in his first job in the cellars of a Manchester warehouse, he moved into
the soft furnishing department. He suffered from colour blindness. This resulted in an
early transfer to another job at an insurance company. He quickly moved from the filing
section to the claims department and became part of the team which specialised in
repudiating claims.
At the age of 17, his family moved to Wolverhampton, where his father became area
representative for his wholesale Manchester warehouse. This was the early period of the
1930s, years of depression. Without work for many months, he ultimately secured work
at a lock manufacturer in Willenhall as a progress chaser. He gained knowledge in their
products and was moved into the ordering office, but failed to receive an increase in
salary. This caused him to apply for another post at Ever Ready, where he was successful
and was placed on the efficiency section on work study and costing. At the age of 22, he
was promoted to production manager, in charge of many hundreds of production workers,
producing daily cycle lamps and torches in huge quantities for firms like Woolworth.
Hitlers dictatorship caused many to join the territorial army, as did Alan Rayment
in early 1938. On the invasion of Germany, he was recalled to his AA artillery unit at the
drill hall, following the outbreak of war, to wed his betrothed, Gladys. By midday, he had
rejoined his unit, which had been ordered to Coventry to position their 3-inch mobile
anti-aircraft gun on the outskirts of this city.
This was the beginning of his war service, taking him to France in October and finally
escaping a month after the Dunkirk episode from St Nazaire in June 1940. He remained in
this country for the rest of the war in ack ack units employed on predictors
and radar tracking duties. He returned to Ever Ready where he was given a 3 year task to
lay out the factory for flow production of newly designed articles. During this period, he
designed purpose equipment to fit in the parameters of the factory building. Parallel with
his daily work, he became father to Harry and also concentrated on technical evening
studies immediately on being demobbed. In his third year, he obtained his Higher National
Certificate in Engineering, which gained him entrance to the admiralty scientific service.
Whilst working at the admiralty research laboratory, Teddington, he continued to gain
further technical and management qualifications enabling him to be accepted as a chartered
From birth, Harry showed behavioural problems, crying continuously night and day through
into his early childhood days. It was only when his brother, Andrew, was born that his
parents knew that it was possible to have a happy child. Harrys behaviour pattern
became an increasing problem, not being able to settle at school or at work and was
finally diagnosed as paranoia schizophrenic at the age of 18. The domestic scene caused by
this illness meant that Andrew atended Bearwood College, Berkshire, where he obtained
The years that followed were dominated by Harrys bizarre actions, including a number
of attempted suicides, self-inflicted facial and head injuries. The mental hospitals
failed to contain him and finally told his parents they had discharged him, withdrawing
all medication in his late 30s. For 3 years, Harry lived with drop-outs of the
community, living in communes, but always within a distance that his parents could support
him. He returned to the Portsmouth area and was accepted by a new consultant at the local
mental hospital.
At the retirement of his Dad, Gladys died of cancer, with Harry, who appeared to vie for
attention with acts of violence, causing the local hospital to place him in a secure ward.
Three years later, Alan married Sams ex-wife, Ella, all of whom were in the same
gang in their childhood days. She also died 10 years later. Andrew entered the civil
service marrying Linda at an early age and had 6 children, the eldest, Joy, is midwife.
Harry, at the age of 40, was placed in the community at Southsea and became reasonably
stable, being supported by St James medical staff and housed with 6 other long term
mental patients by the Portsmouth Housing Trust. He had always an interest in art and
during his late 40s, the staff at the Grove Centre, a part of the Portsmouth
University support for the community with disadvantages, he has found a purpose in life.
The fellowship in his residence, especially Sylvia, their housekeeper, has had a mellow
effect on him and his main concern is for his octogenarian Dads health and welfare.
A success case for Barbara Castles policy of placing mental patients in the
The author of this book gives space to the world affairs and even to development in outer
space, and it seems fitting to include the tributes Princess Diana received at her State
Funeral in his epilogue wake. |